5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Turn on the Heat
IMPORTANT NOTE: . Our company is located in British Columbia, Canada. If you are reading this article in another location, we hope you enjoy the information, but unfortunately we cannot service you.

Now that it’s autumn, the temperature has dropped enough that some people may find their homes a little too cold for their comfort. If this sounds like you, your first thought may have been to go to your furnace and switch it on, no questions asked.
Don’t touch that thermostat dial just yet though! Especially if it’s been a while since your furnace was turned on. Before you make yourself comfortable this season and then winter, here are five big mistakes you should avoid when it’s time to turn on the heat.
- Windows
Your windows are the biggest asset when it comes to storing heat and using it in your home. Closing them only after heat has escaped or leaving the curtains closed on sunny days are no-nos because this will only in turn let your heating out instead of keeping it inside where you want it to stay.
Another big mistake to avoid that involves your windows is failing to check for leaks and drafts. Check around the doors too; some doors have a gap wide enough in the framework that hot air can escape more easily. In either event in which a leak or draft is discovered, you’ll have to caulk and seal those gaps and weaknesses in the framework to prevent that warm air from escaping.
- Leaving exhaust fans on all the time
Did you know that leaving this type of fan on all the time can be a drag on your heating? It’s a great resource for removing unpleasant smells and preventing mould and mildew buildup. However, leaving it on all of the time, even when you’re through with using it, can suck up all that needed warm air and send it out of the house. Only leave an exhaust fan on when you really need it, and switch it off when you’re done.
- Turning the thermostat way up, or way down
Either extreme direction of up or down for the thermostat is hard on your furnace and yourself. It’s tempting to turn the heat up as soon as you walk into a cold room or down as soon as you go to bed. What this does though is it forces your heating system to work overtime, especially if you turn it down all the way at night.
Something homeowners tend to forget is that a thermostat is not remotely the same thing as a car’s accelerator. Turning up the heat in either extremity is not going to hasten the heating process and warm up your home faster. Either way, you’re looking at a hefty heating bill when the time comes thanks to your insistence to have a hot home 24/7.
- Heating an empty house
Another scenario that sounds tempting is to walk into a warm home the minute you get home from a cold, blustery day. Heating an empty home, however, is the most wasteful practice of both heat and your money. That’s why we insist your home’s heating system includes a programmable thermostat. That way, you can adjust the temperature remotely and keep an eye out in case of problems. For more info on thermostats, see our previous blog post on the subject.
- Neglecting maintenance and upkeep
It’s a fact that regular maintenance will help your furnace last for a good, long while. That’s why it boggles our minds to see so many people who still don’t take care of their heating systems!
Some serious no-nos when it comes to your heating and its upkeep include the following:
- Not changing the air filter
- Switching the furnace on without examining it first
- Not cleaning the exterior for some time before switching it on
- Ignoring the state of your home’s insulation until there’s a problem
- Ignoring its age; furnaces made 10 or even 20 years ago may be showing signs of failure, such as a pilot light that refuses to stay lit
Do you need assistance with your furnace? Have you made any of these mistakes or want to prevent them from happening? Our technicians are ready to help, so give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or contact@repairheatingandcooling.com and don’t forget to take a look at our website: https://www.repairheatingandcooling.com. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!
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