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6 Pros of Maintaining Your Commercial Fridge Regularly

Published on: August 22, 2019

IMPORTANT NOTE: . Our company is located in British Columbia, Canada. If you are reading this article in another location, we hope you enjoy the information, but unfortunately we cannot service you. 

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It goes without saying that if you run a business that sells food or meals, you need a commercial fridge or fridges to keep your business up and running. Fridges are used daily in these businesses; naturally though the constant usage can take a toll on the system’s health and make it more prone to mechanical snags and frequent shutdowns. This means that when a commercial fridge is maintained properly and regularly, it can lead to several benefits along the way. Maybe there are a few you didn’t even consider until you started reading this post!

It’s true, though. Imagine having the fridge at your grocery store stop working when it’s the holiday season! That can really make a difference to your business! With this kind of scenario in mind, there are lots of advantages to maintaining your commercial fridge on a regular basis.

  1. Emergencies are prevented

The worst time for a sudden breakdown of your commercial fridge is literally any time. Going back to the holiday example, not only will that drive away customers at the busiest time of the year, but also the stress levels would rise beyond belief for everyone! Not to mention that any emergency breakdown can cost you big time. Not only does it cost more money to repair the damages done, but also there’s the loss of income you could have been making had you prevented the breakdown in the first place.

By maintaining the commercial fridge regularly, including checking on the electric components so there are no short circuits, you’ll spare your business and your customers from the trials and tribulations one can expect from a sudden breakdown. Regular maintenance will also ensure that no valuable income that your business makes is lost in the event of an emergency either.

  1. Safe temperatures

Food and drinks must always be kept at their proper temperatures daily. That is how you prevent diseases and other nasty conditions such as food poisoning from harming others in addition to your business’s reputation.

Maintaining a commercial fridge will not only keep the temperatures at their proper levels, but also prevent fluctuations from harming your valuable inventory in the event of a breakdown. Regulating the temperature also goes hand in hand with the following benefit:

  1. A clean bill of health, according to your inspector

Nothing sends panic up the spine quite like hearing the words ‘health inspector’—that is, if you know you’re not running things the way your business should be! But if you already run your business smoothly including its upkeep, then there’s nothing for you to worry about.

By keeping up your commercial fridge’s maintenance on a regular schedule, you’ll be given a clean bill of health each time and this too can add a boon to your business’s reputation. After all, no one wants to find out they’ve been eating and drinking food in an unclean environment from an unclean refrigeration system.

  1. Fresh food—always

Every business owner knows that the fresher and high-quality the food you serve is, the more likely your customers will be pleased enough to want to return to your business time and again. Maintaining your commercial fridge will not only keep the food and drinks inventory at safe temperatures, it will also ensure that it stays fresh and/or frozen until you need it at all times of the day. So long as you follow basic safety tips and even apply some cooling solutions to your business’s kitchen (you can find a few ideas here), the food you serve will not spoil or get mouldy.

  1. Clean ice and no mould

Speaking of mould, here’s another benefit to maintaining commercial fridges regularly. An unclean fridge can also be the cause of illnesses brought upon your customers, such as E.coli, salmonella, and listeria to name just a few. This can and will result in your business down sliding to the point of bankruptcy. So, for your business’s sake as well as the sake of your customers, keep mould at bay with that regular and proper maintenance!

Mould can also cause ice in commercial refrigeration to become easily contaminated. It’ll look blurry and spotty in the event a fridge has gone too long uncleaned. With proper cleaning and care of your refrigerator, it’s guaranteed that your ice keeps coming out fresh and appetizing. After all, as we mentioned in a previous blog post, no one wants to be served dirty ice.

  1. More energy saved = more money for your business

The more energy you spend on cooling down certain things, the costlier it becomes. That is a fact of HVAC.  However, you can minimize energy costs of any kind by ensuring the systems being used aren’t relying too heavily on themselves in order to function properly.

What causes energy loss? Simple: dirty and dusty components that trick the system into thinking it needs to work harder to cool the room down, or that the room’s already cooled off and so there’s no need. Therefore, by maintaining your commercial fridge, you not only save energy and spare the system from overworking or underworking itself, but also the cost it would take for your business to cool the food down.

As you can see, you never go wrong with taking care of your commercial refrigeration! If this is a service you need today or you’d like to sign up for a regular maintenance schedule, give our technicians a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

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