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A/C Placement Mistakes to Avoid Making for New Units

Published on: June 6, 2019

IMPORTANT NOTE: . Our company is located in British Columbia, Canada. If you are reading this article in another location, we hope you enjoy the information, but unfortunately we cannot service you. 

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Summer is not quite here yet, but it is definitely crunch time if you need new air conditioning! If you have already read our previous post about whether it’s time to replace your HVAC or not, and you’ve made the call to get new A/C installed, then we need to follow up with a very important question: where do you want us to put this new unit?

If the answer is where the last unit was, then stop right there. We’re afraid we need to advise you on A/C placement mistakes you ought to avoid making before you ask us to install anything. Trust us, it’ll be to your benefit!

Why it Matters Knowing Where NOT to Put it

It may seem very tempting to just stick your heat pump condenser or air conditioner where it’s inconspicuous, or at least to say just put the new unit where the old unit was before. However, this way of thinking leads to several operational drawbacks within certain locations.

For example, if it’s placed in the same area where water can fall from the roof onto the unit, water will mess up the system’s outer and inner functions. If it’s placed where there is lots of direct sunlight, then it won’t be able to cool the air down as well as you need it to. Not to mention, if your old unit was originally an improper installation made before, then there’s no way the new unit may cool your home down efficiently either.

So, you need to take some time to consider where you have your air conditioner installed for long-term efficient performance and system life.

Basic Guidelines for ALL A/C Units

No matter what kind of air conditioner you need to have installed, there are basic guidelines that apply to all types of the system, regardless of the model:

  • There must be enough space surrounding the unit when placed outdoors, about 2-3 feet all around.
  • No obstructions should be near or on the unit; they’ll interfere with the cooling process.
  • The unit should not block passageways.
  • The unit should also not be placed behind doors or furniture.
  • All ducts connected to the unit should be replaced or at least inspected beforehand, so that cool air and energy are not wasted (or your money).
  • The condenser part of your air conditioner needs to be elevated away from rainwater pools, so there needs to be a concrete pad or a patio stone place installed too.
  • Be aware of the noise it can make on behalf of yourself and your neighbours; you don’t want your outdoor unit going where it can disturb both of your houses (i.e. too close to the bedroom, for either party).

Big No-nos for A/C Placement

  • Direct sunlight can mess with the way your new A/C unit thinks. It may assume it’s cooling down a hot room when in fact it’s not. However, simply shading the A/C unit won’t always work to lessen the effect of hot outdoor air because of how much air it needs to pull in to cool down.
  • You might think placing the new A/C unit in the hotter side of your house may also be of benefit, but that’s not true either. It should actually be placed on a cooler side of your house so that there is less strain put on the unit to cool down the air. If the air is too hot, the unit must work harder to cool the air down, and this in turn leads to longer run times, and eventually it will lead to costlier bills and more repairs needed for your unit.
  • Simply adding shade overtop of the unit won’t help either—it won’t always deter the effects of hot outdoor air in the summer because of how much air your unit needs to pull in.

Wherever you decide to have your air conditioner placed, you must always remember to make sure it never has to work harder to cool than necessary. The harder your A/C works, the more energy it uses and the more money it will cost you. That’s why when it comes to placement, you hire an HVAC technician who knows how to avoid making such costly mistakes.

Do you need help moving your A/C unit, or getting a new one properly installed and placed? Let us know. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

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