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When to Use an HVAC Professional

One word of advice we like to give to all of our customers is don’t wait until the last minute to call for help. This applies to any and all HVAC related issues or installations or even electrical problems involving their current equipment. This is also why we insist on performing regular, routine maintenance, because you never know how long a heat wave in the summer may last.

There are many other times when using an HVAC professional can come in handy, however. Here are our suggestions on what those exact times might be.

Upgrades to Current HVAC Equipment

An HVAC system that has outlived its warranty and lifespan is not worth having around. Not only is holding on to these systems dangerous, it’s also a waste of money to repair an older system than it would to upgrade to a new one. A qualified technician can help safely uninstall the old system and reinstall a more energy efficient one in its place, saving you both money and time.

New Installations

While many new HVAC systems come with the manufacturer’s manual, it’s still a good idea to get a professional to properly install new equipment. A technician can identify ideal locations for the new equipment so that temperature control is maintained and to prevent excess dust and dirt buildup nearby. They can also provide assistance with electrical wiring during the installation process.

Annual Inspections

While we do offer some suggestions as to how to apply fixes yourself, it’s still highly recommended that you ask a professional technician to come and annually inspect your equipment. While they’re inspecting, they will examine the wiring and check for any leaks or faulty thermostats. They will also guide you on avoiding further issues so that your equipment works at its full capacity for a very long time.

Before Big Moves or Expansions

By big moves we mean both literally, as in you’re moving into a brand new home, or you’re about to open your doors for business. During the construction process, it’s important to consider both the location and the essential parts needed to properly install HVAC equipment.

If you want to expand on your current home or building, calculations are needed before new equipment is installed. Sizing is also important because too small of a system will not heat or cool down a room properly. In contrast, too big of a system can lead to massive expense. A qualified technician can guide you on which system would work best for the space as well as advise you on the latest technology available.

Bad Times: The High Seasons

Right in the middle of the high seasons, i.e. summer and winter, are the worst times to need an HVAC professional. We get so many calls for fixes or new A/C or furnaces during these seasons that it’s overwhelming. This is why we insist you perform regular maintenance and cleaning on your systems; that way you can avoid such a dilemma!

Do you require assistance with your HVAC systems? At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

How to Save Energy with Your Commercial Refrigeration

Having commercial refrigeration is not only great to have around, but also it’s necessary if you run a business that requires it. No grocery store, convenience store, or restaurant would be complete without having refrigerated products and ingredients nearby.

However, these systems tend to suck up a lot of energy every day. This is both because they need to work properly 24/7 and they’re constantly used by staff and customers (depending on the business) day in and day out. So what can we do to save energy when it comes to commercial refrigeration? Here are some tips on how you can do so.

Keep Your Commercial Fridges Clean

A dirty and dusty commercial fridge will work harder to ensure the heat transfer is kept normal, especially where the coils are concerned. Regular defrosting for the evaporator coils and cleaning the cabinets inside and out can go a long way in preserving energy and ensuring both the coils and the compressor are working properly.

Regular Maintenance Helps

Having a professional HVAC technician to check on and maintain your commercial refrigeration every year can help it stay in shape. For the rest of the time, be sure to follow the fridge manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations and follow a regular maintenance program. That way, the risk of breakdown is reduced and the equipment’s runtime will be extended.

Each commercial fridge comes with door gaskets or seals and self-closing doors, so you need to make sure these are in good condition. If they’re not working properly, then humid and warm air can enter the fridge, causing energy to be wasted and food to spoil. Good quality gaskets should have a tight seal.

Space is Important

The location of your commercial fridges matters because depending on their placement, the heating and cooling process can be affected. There should be enough space outside of the system so that there is good airflow over the heat exchange coils.

If your commercial fridge is located near the kitchen, try to lower its ambient temperature if that’s possible. This will provide your business with major energy savings. It’s also beneficial to ensure there is proper ventilation so as to increase both the fridge’s lifespan and its efficiency, so again, make sure there is enough space all around it.

We don’t recommend you place your refrigeration right next to prime cooking equipment in the kitchen. The heat generated from this cooking equipment can and will affect the fridge’s efficiency.

Upgrade When Necessary

Sometimes an upgrade to your commercial fridge or freezer is the only way your business will be able to save money and energy. The older the system is, the less efficient it will be at saving energy. This is because times are very different now compared to the past when convenience and speed were what were ideal to offer to customers. Now, we have to think about our own impact on the environment, and making things energy efficient is part of that.

Energy-saving models of commercial refrigeration and new and advanced features are now widely available for purchase. Consider using equipment and installing features consisting of the following:

  • Night curtains on open cases – these will help keep the refrigerated air from escaping after regular business hours are over.
  • Fridges that have drawers or half doors instead of full doors – only the relevant part of the cabinet is accessed, thus saving energy.
  • Motion sensors for case lighting systems – they will help turn lights on and off in the fridge only when needed.
  • Intelligent controllers – specifically the kind that can detect changing situations and keep energy use to a minimum during periods when it’s not in use.
  • Hot gas anti-sweat heaters – look for the type with adaptive controls so you can turn them on and off automatically whenever it’s necessary.
  • Insulation – the best kind should be 75mm thick and made of high quality and high density polyurethane.
  • Appropriate usage – if it’s at all possible, go for a refrigerator designed for the product or products you are looking to store and set at its optimal operating temperature.

How to Save Energy During the Day

Whenever your business hours are in operation, keep the commercial fridge doors closed whenever possible. Never, ever prop a door open.

Keeping your commercial fridge and/or freezer as full as possible can help with energy as well. There needs to be a good balance of food products and airflow within it. Too much empty space in the cabinet will make the equipment work harder to maintain its internal temperature. In contrast, an overfilled cabinet can block much-needed airflow. To avoid overfilling, try to keep your products stacked evenly and be aware of its load limit levels. That way, maximum airflow is guaranteed.

Do you need further assistance with your commercial refrigeration? At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

How to Properly Maintain Your Water Heater

Having hot water around can do a lot of things for us. We need hot water when it’s time to wash the dishes (usually with a dishwasher or by hand), take a shower and get cleaned up, or to help us mop up the floors and clean our clothes. We can’t live without water, which is why we really need to make sure we can keep using it without problems.

Still, it never occurred to you to maintain your water heater until you read the headline of this article, did it? Here’s how you can properly maintain this essential system so you don’t have to worry about it.

Step 1: Know Your Tanks

Proper maintenance will depend on the type of water heater that is currently installed. Do you have the classic hot water tank heater, which stores the heated water and disperses it throughout the building? Or do you have a tankless water heater, which only heats water when it’s necessary? Is your heater a condensing one, which uses exhaust gases to heat water with the gas burner? Or is yours a non-condensing one, where the exhaust gases are vented outside?

You don’t want to maintain your condensing, classic tank water heater the same way you would the opposite. That’s why we listed this part as step 1. Knowing the differences between these varying types of water heaters can help with the maintenance part.

Step 2: Clean the Outside

Like everything else you own, your hot water tank will need to be dusted and cleaned on the exterior in order to be kept in good shape. Keep an eye out for any leaks you may notice on the floor or surrounding the tank; this is usually the first sign of a problem needing fixing ASAP! If there are no leaks, proceed to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris from the floor as well as regular cleaning supplies to dust off the system’s exterior. Be gentle when dusting around the pipes and again, keep a sharp eye out for leaks.

Step 2: Adjust the Thermostat

The best temperature a water heater should be settled at is 48 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit). This is to make sure the hot water doesn’t scald you when it comes rushing out of the tap! Usually it is because of the thermostat that water can either be overheated or under-heated. That’s why checking this part, and making the proper adjustment if needed, should be your next step.

Step 3: Test the Pressure-Relief Valve

The pressure-relief valve is usually fixed on the side of the tank. Quickly discharge it about 2 to 3 times annually by lifting the valve handle and then letting it snap back. A burst of water should be released into the overflow drain pipe. After the test, keep a sharp eye out for any possible leaks coming from the valve. If a leak is spotted, call a professional to help fix it or get a new valve installed.

Step 4: Drain the Tank to Remove Sediment

You can either do this yourself or ask a technician to perform this task instead. We recommend going the route of professionalism since sediment buildup can create new problems (especially if you flush it the wrong way in the first place!).

To do it yourself, you will need to drain the tank. First, turn off the cold water supply. If your tank has a gas supply, switch that off before draining also (look for the gas pipe leading to the thermostat and pilot light and then turn the valve off). If you turn your thermostat to pilot mode however, then this step won’t be necessary.

Next, turn on one to two of the faucets in your home. Leave them on during the entire flushing process. Doing so will prevent a vacuum from forming in the pipes while the tank is being drained.

Next, hook up a garden hose to the tank’s drain valve, and then run the water into a heat-proof bucket until the water runs clear. If there is still cloudy water, open the water supply valve briefly to stir up any remaining sediment and then try to drain the tank again. Doing this will help keep the water in the tank clean as well as help the system run more quietly.

Flush out the tank by turning on the cold water spigot connecting to the hot water tank. Let it run for a few minutes until the water coming out of your hose runs clear and there is little to no sediment left.

You may also need to drain the tank entirely in order to clean the bottom or if there is too much sediment. Once it’s completely drained, clean the bottom of the tank to remove any lingering sediment. Turn the water supply back on in order to flush out the harder buildup.

This is a task that will only need to be done once a year. If you’d rather avoid a mess or don’t want to do it at all, then like we said, getting a technician’s help would be the best way to go. They can make cleanup easier (i.e. you won’t have to do it) and can identify any other underlying issues with your tank that may have gone unnoticed before.

Step 5: Check the Anode Rod

You only need to worry about this task every three years. The anode rod is an important piece of the system because it prevents the hot water from corroding inside the tank.

To check on the anode rod, remove the hex screw on the top of the tank. Use a screwdriver to loosen the hex screw before gently lifting the anode rod up and out of the tank (do not remove entirely!).

The core steel wire on the rod should not be exposed. The rod should be more than ½ inch thick and there should be no calcium buildup on it. If any of the aforementioned traits are present after all (calcium coating, exposed core steel wires, and less than ½ inch thickness), you will need to have the anode rod replaced.

Step 6: Insulate the Tank

Placing insulation on and around the tank can add longevity to the tank’s lifespan. It can also prevent condensation on the cold water pipe during the summer months.

Use 3/8-inch-thick foam to cover the pipes’ exterior; make sure the foam matches the pipe’s diameter. Slide the foam over the hot and cold water pipes as far as possible. If the pipe is less than 6 inches away from the flue, use a 1-inch-thick unfaced fiberglass pipe wrap to insulate it.

For the tank’s exterior, cut holes in the insulation blanket so that the temperature control, the valve, and the pipes stick out and are accessible. Wrap the insulation around the tank and seal with tape. Make sure you don’t accidentally cover up any gas or oil heaters on the tank. For electric heaters, cap it off with an oversized circle of insulation and tape the edge securely to the side of the tank.

Knowing When to Call for Help

While this article is specifically about how to maintain a hot water tank yourself, it’s important to know when it’s best left to a professional to do the work:

  • The thermostat is faulty
  • There’s no hot water, even after you’ve performed maintenance
  • You need a more efficient heater installed in order to save money
  • There’s too much sediment to flush out, or you don’t want to make a mess
  • A leak has been discovered
  • The tank is too old and a part needs to be replaced

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

7 Benefits of HVAC Systems for Businesses

Do you run a business or are a budding entrepreneur? You know how some office stories in the media have the water cooler exchange going on between employees? You too can get that sense of camaraderie amongst you and your staff (if you have any) by having HVAC equipment installed.

Before you start disagreeing with us, you may want to take a look at these other benefits you and your staff (if any) can receive from having these systems installed.

1: Productivity

Depending on the building itself and the number of staff you have at your company, having an HVAC system installed can actually boost everyone’s productivity levels. Some days are just so hot or cold to work in that it hinders peoples’ abilities to focus and concentrate on the task at hand.

For some businesses, HVAC installation is a requirement, not a suggestion. This is because they need pretty much all of the systems that require one to either sell their products or provide services:

  • Commercial refrigeration
  • Natural gas for stoves and ovens
  • Hot water tanks for washing dishes or public bathrooms
  • Ice machines for adding to customers’ drinks or to sell bags

2: Improved Temperaments

Have you ever worked in front of your computer all day only to shift slightly in your seat and realize it’s too hot or cold? Have you been surrounded by heat all day long and are feeling distracted? Your staff may be feeling the same, and as a result, their morale is low and their temperaments unpleasant. Not everyone enjoys working in a hot room, nor can everyone stand the heat. For health reasons, too, employees may only be able to work at their best under certain temperatures. On the opposite side, a room that is too frigid can also break concentration as well as lower one’s morale.

HVAC equipment can help maintain a good indoor room temperature and help people stay comfortable, even boosting their morale. Many systems also now come equipped with filters to help reduce the amount of dust and other allergen triggers that can travel through ventilation. So, if you have staff members with allergies to certain airborne triggers, having HVAC systems can improve both the indoor air quality as well as keep these staff members from sneezing, enabling them to focus at work.

3: Going Green

Energy efficiency is now the primary purpose of developing and installing new HVAC systems for both commercial and residential buildings. This means using older and bigger systems that were in place before you set up your business need to go. Why? Because the older equipment will be more expensive to run and less useful to cooling down or heating up a room than newer equipment. Plus, having newer systems installed will keep everyone including you safe from potential hazards such as fire.

4: Relationship Building

Going back to the water cooler scene we mentioned earlier, having A/C on at the office or within the lunch room when the weather is warm will encourage your staff to frequent these cool areas more often. These are commonplace locations for staff members to get to know each other better. By letting HVAC systems run in a meeting area also, you can all bond over coffee or tea in a room where it’s cool in the summer and hot in the winter—both being ideal temperatures for meetings. None of you will be distracted by how hot or cold the room is, enabling all of you to focus on the tasks at hand.

5: Easy Access

By this we mean access to emergency fixes and repairs such as when your building’s commercial refrigeration breaks down, for example, or if there’s no cool air coming from the A/C. Your technician is only a phone call away. They can either help guide you in how to fix a problem yourself if it happens again, or they’ll handle the really bad situations that do require a technician while you get back to your daily tasks.

6: Income Source

Having HVAC installed will help your company save money long-term. For example, you think it may be cheaper to plug fans into the wall when it’s hot to save the cost of installing A/C. Have you considered the size of the room though, or the number of employees who also need to stay cool in the same room? Plugging in those fans may not do the trick after all!

The amount of ventilation you will need, depending on what type of business you own, will also matter. For business owners who must rely on computers 100% of the time, you may want to check out our article on the subject to find out why ventilation—and the proper equipment—matters so much.

7: Customer Encouragement

It feels so good when you’re grocery shopping to step inside and immediately feel air conditioning after being in the hot weather outside, doesn’t it? Staying cool when it’s hot out can encourage would-be customers to follow through with their grocery purchase or convince them to come into your commercial building when it’s too hot out but the A/C is on inside. Vice versa can be said for the exact opposite season and temperatures too!

As you can see, having HVAC for your commercial building and your company can only mean good things. Are you ready to get some HVAC equipment installed?

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

5 Reasons to Follow an HVAC Company on Social Media

Anyone who owns a home, rents an apartment, or owns a business knows that having refrigeration and HVAC equipment around can make your daily life easier. Do you know what’s even easier than that? Following an HVAC company on social media.

Before you roll your eyes, think about this: how much will it cost to replace that fridge or furnace if it breaks down in the high season? Are you having financial troubles, in addition to needing new installations? Finances are one of the biggest reasons many homeowners or company leaders don’t get the help their HVAC systems need. It’s because of this that we’re going to go over several reasons why following an HVAC company online is worth it.

Reason 1: Pictures

It’s worth knowing the difference between an HVAC system that is dirty, unmaintained, and in need of replacement versus brand new systems. That’s why checking out pictures on social media by an HVAC company can help. Talking about these systems is one thing, but as the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words” and that definitely applies to social media!

Technical pictures such as the above example are not the only sights to expect. We think it’s pretty cool to find out who’s working behind the scenes in this field! Plus, having photos of technician staff members and glimpses of what typically goes on at the company can build trust between us technicians and our customers.

Reason 2: Off season sales

The last thing you should do when it’s time to maintain and clean your grocery store refrigerators or check up on your A/C is to find out you need to replace it…right in the middle of the high season. For that reason, it’s best to follow an HVAC company online before summer and winter kick in.

Spring and fall are the prime times of the year when off season discounts and sales are in place. By following HVAC technicians online you could save money and prevent future situations such as equipment breakdowns from happening.

In addition, social media is growing steadily as an ideal shopping area for would-be buyers. That’s because the service or products are coming from a company they’ve come to trust. It will also encourage new buyers to get in touch and follow through with paying for services and installation.

Reason 3: Giveaways

What’s better than getting new parts or systems installed at a discount? Getting them for free, of course! Giveaways are definitely a solid reason to follow HVAC companies online. For example, our HVAC company has hosted a giveaway to some lucky people who haven’t had air conditioning for some time. This resulted in making our winning customers real happy, which is why we love doing what we do!

Reason 4: Advice from Professionals

What better way to learn about how your current HVAC systems work than straight from the professionals themselves? We feature all of our blog posts on our social media in addition to slipping in a little piece of trivia with each photo we post. We do this because we want our customers to be aware of how best they can live their lives without having to worry about their systems breaking down. We also do this to assure them that we’re around if and when they need help.

Reason 5: Because You Never Know

Like we said, the last thing you need in your life is valuable refrigeration, heating, or cooling to suddenly stop when it’s needed the most. You especially don’t want to find this out when your finances are tight or you’re struggling already! That’s why it’s worth reaching out to a technician on social media—because you just never know when you’ll need to call for service.

Ready to find out more about us? At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Why It’s Worth Hiring Qualified HVAC Technicians

Picture this: you’re going about your daily life when you discover something is amiss:

  • The food in the fridge at your grocery store isn’t cool—in fact, it’s warm!
  • The hot water in your shower lasts for only a few seconds—while you’re in there. Yikes!
  • Something smells like it’s burning in the house, or like there’s gas. Double yikes!
  • You hear the A/C in your home break down—literally, while it’s the hottest time of the day.

Whatever the cause of your grief, having refrigeration, A/C, or heating installed can not only make your daily lives more comfortable, but also in most cases it’s absolutely necessary. Some people don’t have the technical prowess or the physical ability to figure out how to get HVAC or commercial refrigeration equipment diagnosed and fixed or installed. The reasons why could be a combination of age and the current state of health, or that in-depth cleaning triggers allergies too much, or the fix is just too big of a job for one or two people to handle.

In all of these situations, as well as several others, hiring a professional and qualified HVAC technician is a must.

Other Situations that Apply

You may be wondering if there are any other situations where hiring a professional rather than DIY fixes are the better choice.

The equipment itself is one such situation. Some systems that were installed way back in the 1980s may not be a perfect fit for your home or office building any longer. Certain HVAC companies back in the day may not even exist anymore, and the knowledge—and in most cases, the manuals—of these older systems are gone with them. This means a new system will need to be installed and that is one task we don’t recommend going about on your own.

When DIY Fixes Don’t Work (or they’re Not Recommended, Period)

DIY cleaning and maintenance of HVAC and commercial refrigeration systems is a good way to save money and prevent further issues from building up. However, sometimes there is something so wrong with your system regardless of how well you’re taking care of it that it makes DIY a much more dangerous task. For example, if there’s a burning smell coming from the furnace in your home and it’s already been cleaned, that’s not a simple fix. Diagnosing the problem and solving it requires genuine know-how from a professional.

When You Don’t Know Anything in the First Place

Not everyone is technically savvy when it comes to proper HVAC maintenance. Likewise, there are many people who are only just starting to learn about being a new homeowner, tenant, or even an entrepreneur who finally purchased their first office. In all of these cases, having a technician who knows what they’re doing can make diagnosis and repairs all the more easier and less concerning.

A hired technician will and should give you the tools you need to maintain your equipment (by ‘tools’ we mean knowledge). It’s one thing to install a system and call it a day. The best technicians go the extra mile and let customers know exactly how to use their newly installed HVAC systems and help them understand when a fix can be done by themselves or when a professional should be called in for the job.

The Steps Worth Taking

When it comes to proper installation, most qualified technicians will do everything including electrical wiring. The best HVAC technician is armed with proper licenses, such as refrigeration electrical endorsements which allows them to pull permits, both for when it’s required and it’s time to install new equipment.

For old systems with failing compressors, it’s protocol to completely replace a system as opposed to repairing it and calling it a day. This costs more, but it will prevent cross contamination and failure of the new system set into place. Us technicians adhere to the phrase “Better to be safe than sorry”, which really does apply to any HVAC system we install.

Manufacturer guidelines are also adhered to when it comes to new installation. This is done to ensure the sizes, methods of piping and installation, and the materials needed are correct. Without the right sizes and materials, the job can’t be done.

Clean systems and parts should be a guaranteed addition to any installation job. That way, the new system will run properly and efficiently and last for a long time, thus saving you money and future headaches.

These are all the steps worth taking on a technician’s part, and they should be what you expect from the repairs and installations you may need.

So, how can we help you?

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Signs Your Ice Machine is Failing

Do you own an ice machine at your store? Do you love having the convenience of ice for your drinks? Whether you sell ice as part of your inventory or you want to add ice to your glass of water, having an ice machine around has its perks.

However, like the fridge, your ice machine should be regularly maintained and cleaned so that the ice it makes is clean too. Here are the top signs that your commercial ice machine is failing, the causes of why, and what can be done.

Things Worth Knowing About Beforehand

It’s worth having the following knowledge on hand about ice machines before you decide if the problem is worth calling in a professional for help:

  • Ice machines are not the same as refrigerators. An ice machine is more like a dishwasher in that it is connected to an ongoing water supply. Therefore, a lot of the signs we’re going to address are very water-based.
  • Commercial ice machines are standalone systems that connect to electricity.
  • Ice machines also do not function like a grill, which is usually connected to a non-corrosive fuel source.
  • Ice machines have more components and processes in them compared to refrigerators and freezers.

Now let’s look at the most common signs and causes of a failing ice machine.

Sign 1: No More Ice

This is one of the most common problems found in ice machines, and depending on the cause, the fix can either be something you can do yourself or it will require more experience.

One of the most common causes is a problem with the water inlet. When it works properly, the water inlet regulates the current flow of water heading into the ice machine where ice can be made. When it’s not working properly, that’s when a lack of ice occurs. Check around the water valve for any loose connecting components or bad clips—disconnection is often the culprit.

A lack of ice could also be the result of a clogged water filter. Check this component first before examining the inlet, and if there are blockages of any kind, clean it up.

Sign 2: Water Leaks

Sometimes a leak can occur inside of the machine rather than outside. Usually you can identify a leak if the ice cubes inside are larger than normal. This does not sound as good as you think it does! Larger ice cubes can in fact clog up the evaporator within the machine and cause it to freeze up. If your ice looks bigger than usual, the cause is usually a leaky water inlet.

You should perform the following tasks if a leak is happening outside the machine before calling a professional to look at it:

  • Check to see that the machine is perfectly level on the floor, and not tilted to any one side
  • Check the water supply for any damages, leaking, kinks, or pinches
  • Check the basin or cup where water comes in; it should be perfectly aligned with the funnel

If this still doesn’t help your water leak problem, it’s best to get a professional to look at it.

Sign 3: Cool Water, But No Ice

If there is a lot of water in your machine but it’s running at a cool temperature instead of freezing, usually the culprit is a faulty bin full switch. This switch is responsible for indicating to the machine to stop making ice when the bin is full. That way, water doesn’t overflow.

Sign 4: Warmer Temperatures

Water that refuses to freeze could means there’s an issue with the compressor or a potential gas leak. Water temperature should be no higher than 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit). If this is the issue with your ice machine, there’s no DIY fix for it. You will need to call in a professional to fully examine and figure out what’s going on.

On the opposite side of problems, water temperature that is too high can either make the ice machine slow down or shut down entirely. A brand new system may run into this issue, but it shouldn’t with your current one.

Sometimes the room temperature itself is the cause of a failing ice machine. Ideally, an ice machine can produce more ice in a room of 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) with water of 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit). However, if the ice machine is located in or near a commercial kitchen, the room temperature could be at fault. Ventilation in the area or relocating the ice machine will have to be done in order to achieve this ideal temperature.

Additionally, there are situations where DIY fixes to the ice machine are not recommended at all. Call a professional if these are the following causes and signs:

  • The ice machine keeps getting too hot (meaning the evaporator fan is not running)
  • There is a leak in the piping connected to the water supply
  • The faulty parts need to be replaced and reinstalled
  • The system was not properly installed in the first place and needs to be reinstalled

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

7 Tips to Stay Cool this Summer (A/C is Only One Solution!)

Whether you are trying to relax after work or are working in a hot area every day, staying cool during the summer months is a must. A/C is definitely one way to go about it.

Sometimes though, the A/C can break down if it’s left unmaintained or cleaned. If that happens in the middle of summer, depending on the size, the state of disrepair, and how busy your HVAC professional is, it may take a while to get the A/C system fixed. You also can’t take a full system with you outside if you’re traveling from your cool home to a hot workspace or if you’re heading out on a camping trip!

For these reasons and for your health and sanity’s sake, we have some tips on how you can stay cool during the hottest months of the year, whether you’re using the A/C or not!

Tip 1: Cool off the Hottest Rooms

Naturally we don’t use our house when we go to work (unless you work from home, in which case, lucky you!) or when we have to run errands. This means you should only focus on cooling off rooms where it’s absolutely necessary. For example, don’t worry about cooling off the bedroom when you’re not using it, but do cool off any room where sunlight pours in the most or where it’s hottest, such as the kitchen.

Tip 2: Curtains are Your Friend

Some homes are built with massive windows that have some pretty spectacular views. However, there’s one drawback: the sunrise or sunset, depending on where the windows are positioned. That much direct sunlight can add a ton of heat to your home! This is why curtains or blinds are your friend in this case. Keep them closed when it’s the hottest time of day and open them when it’s cooler out.

Tip 3: Shade is Also Your Friend

Whether you’re driving around or you need to run errands down the street, always stick to the shade. Typically, the weather gets the hottest between 10am and 3pm depending on where you live. Stick to the side of the road in the morning where the shade is most likely to reside and then switch sides when it’s the late afternoon. Do your best to park in shaded areas so that you don’t get burned by your own car’s seatbelts!

Tip 4: Let Your Body Adjust

Sometimes it takes only a few minutes for our internal temperature to adjust to a room’s heat. Turning the A/C on right away will only cause an imbalance in our bodies, in that it will make us cold too fast too soon. It’s also crucial you allow your body’s temperature to adjust when you’re trying to go to sleep. If it’s absolutely too hot, try sleeping on top of the covers while the A/C is on at low rather than under them. Make sure the A/C is timed so that it shuts off when you’re falling asleep.

Tip 5: Use Ventilation

Typically when summer arrives, that’s when the fans get taken out of the closet. Ventilation is a great way to stay cool and it makes for a decent replacement if A/C is too expensive right now. However, be sure the fans are well maintained and kept clean just like the A/C, otherwise that handy fan could also break down when you really need it.

Tip 6: Soak Your Feet

Like your hands, your feet are pure bone and muscle, meaning there’s no insulation between your body and the floors you walk on at home. If you walk a lot against a hardwood or tiled floor at home, that’s where heat can get soaked up quickly by your body, making you feel hotter than normal! Grab a bucket or shallow pan, fill it with cool water from the shower, and let your feet soak in it while you relax with Netflix in the evening, or before you go to bed, or simply after you’ve been on your feet for a long while.

Tip 7: Use Your A/C—the Right Way

We’re not going to go too deep into this tip because we’ve actually already talked about it on our blog (you can check out the post here if you’re interested!). However, there are indeed wrong ways to use air conditioning in your home or at work worth recapping about, such as the following:

  • Placing obstacles over vents, such as furniture
  • Lowering the temperature on the A/C
  • Leaving the A/C on all day when no one is around

Stay frosty!

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Is There a Good Time to Get HVAC Equipment Installed?

Whether you’re trying to stay cool on a hot summer day at home, or you need ventilation for your office computers, having HVAC equipment installed is a must. But is there such a thing as an ideal time for when installation is required? We say: yes! Here is what we have to say regarding its timing.

When is there NOT a good time?

We know that’s a silly question, so here’s our silly answer: anytime is a good time to get HVAC equipment installed. However, there are certain areas where the timing should be sooner than later in order to use the systems to their full potential. It’s these situations we’re going to go over below, and it’s good to keep this information in mind if you’re planning on doing any of the following:

  • Buying a new home or apartment, whether it’s your first or third
  • Building a new home
  • Shopping around for a new office location
  • Moving your company from one location to another
  • Planning on renovating your work space or living areas
  • Replacing old or broken HVAC equipment

Home Renovations

Depending on where you live, odds are high you either have purchased an older home circa 1970 or even older, i.e. before energy efficiency was something to worry about. These older homes don’t have the same airtight walls or insulation that modern homes are typically now built with in mind. That’s why renovations are and can be made, and one of those—if the humidity levels are high—should be installing HVAC equipment. In some cases you should also install an HRV system if certain conditions are met (you can check out our post on HRV’s perks, if you’d like).

New Home Construction

Talking about modern homes, installing HVAC systems during construction when building a new home is beneficial. That way, expensive renovations won’t need to take place after the fact. These systems should be included in the blueprints when drawing up the designs for new housing, and once installation is complete, it should and must be tested afterwards by a professional home inspector to ensure every component is working properly. This installation would also make an excellent selling point to mention to new homebuyers or tenants since HVAC is typically installed during new construction.

Office Building Renovations or Initiations

If your company relies on computers day in and day out, you need ventilation. This is not a suggestion, either (our blog post on the subject goes further into why this is the case). For the sake of keeping your workspace safe and comfortable, having HVAC systems such as A/C around the office is a must. Having it installed will keep productivity high for you and your employees since the temperature can help everyone be comfortable. It will also keep your most valuable resources—your computers, like we said before—safe and secure.

If the ideal building you want to post your office in is older, it’s a good idea to install HVAC systems before officially opening for business. If it only occurred to you now to get the job done, the sooner it is installed, the better.

Before Summer and Winter

Regarding the seasons of the year, naturally it’s ideal to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Fall and spring are typically the best seasons to get new equipment installed so that you are prepared for the hottest and coldest months of the year. This is because summer and winter are also technically considered to be the high seasons for using the equipment, whereas fall and spring are considered as off season.

Much like Christmas when everything goes on sale after the big day, rebates and discount sales are offered on good quality systems after the high seasons of using A/C or furnaces are finished. If you want a decent price, then fall and spring are the way to go. They’re also the best seasons to determine if your current system is working to its full potential when performing preventive maintenance. After all, the last thing you want to do is wait all summer wondering if your A/C is going to fail in the heat wave!

When Your Current HVAC Fails

It’s also a good idea to install new HVAC equipment if your home has it already, but you’re seeing the following signs:

  • Higher than normal energy and hydro bills
  • Failure to heat up or cool down the room, even though it’s working to its full potential
  • Weird noises coming from the units, like grinding
  • Weird smells coming from the units
  • The unit’s age is over 10 years and up
  • Poor air quality
  • Faulty components, such as a failing thermostat or a compressor that switches on and off

These are all major signs to call in a professional and get new equipment installed.

Do you need assistance with installation or maintenance?

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

The Differences Between HRV and ERV Systems

We’ve talked about HRV systems before; if you need to brush up on your know-how, check out our previous blog post. One thing a lot of people can get confused about, however, is the other similar-sounding system that pops up in conversation: ERV systems.

What’s the difference, you ask? Great question! Though they sound similar, HRV and ERV systems are actually not as interchangeable as you may think. Let’s go over what exactly these systems are, the major differences between the two, and what each can bring to your home or work in terms of benefits and usage.

What is an HRV System?

An HRV system, or a Heat Recovery Ventilation System, takes the heated, stale, contaminated air to warm up fresh air. It does this through its heat exchange core and the two fans typically installed to create the desired effect. HRVs are flexible systems in that you can add them to your current HVAC equipment or install them as independent devices.

What is an ERV System?

An ERV system stands for Energy Recovery Ventilation. The system’s process is similar to an HRV in that it consists of exchanging the energy within stale air in order to treat the incoming outdoor air. However, an ERV goes a little further than the HRV. It takes the humidity from the air in the room and keeps it on the same side as the thermal envelope where the humidity came from.

So, What’s the Difference?

Let’s recap the differences real quick before getting to each system’s benefits:

  • HRVs are best suited to homes in colder climates where excess humidity occurs during the hotter seasons; ERVs are best suited to homes in cold climates where that excess is not a problem.
  • While both recover heat, the ERV goes further by recuperating what energy is trapped in humidity, thus greatly improving overall recovery efficiency.
  • An HRV takes the stale air from inside and exchanges it with fresh cool air from outside.
  • An ERV limits the humidity levels coming from inside your home while it’s hot outside and A/C is on, plus it limits the humidity being expelled from your home when it’s cold outside, low humidity levels are present, and a humidifier is being used.

How Can These Systems Help Me?

It’s definitely worth considering getting an HRV or ERV system installed if your daily life applies to the following:

  • You have severe allergies, such as pollen and dust
  • Your home is too hot, and the air too stale almost daily
  • You want to keep the windows closed and the air cool when it’s hot, or the windows closed and the air warm when it’s cold, all without giving up fresh air
  • Humidity and excess condensation in your home is an issue—this will depend on how old it is

Talk to a professional if you want to learn more about these systems!

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!