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Avoid DIY HVAC for your own good! Here are 3 reasons our professional technicians are telling you to hire us and skip the DIY fixes.

There are tons of online articles claiming you can do-it-yourself (DIY) just about anything. There’s so much information on how to do it yourself that it’s overwhelming, from your car to your computer to your plumbing. HVAC is no exception to this onslaught of content. With everyone cooped up in their homes more so this year than any, it can be empowering to fix something you wouldn’t have attempted to otherwise. For most families, they don’t have the financial backing to do anything other than DIY fixes either.

First of all, put your phone down unless you’re calling us! There are a lot of good reasons why through the entirety of our blog at Rep-Air we always, always recommend calling in the professionals. We want every single one of our customers to be safe, and it’s tough to do that when you insist on DIY HVAC repairs yourself. So here are our top three reasons you need to hire professional HVAC technicians like our team and stop browsing through DIY articles right now.

  1. Small Problems Are a Sign of Something Big

Furnace won’t heat up? A/C won’t produce cool air? Usually these signs of problems that seem like a simple fix, but the reality is they’re far from it. A small problem with your HVAC system can actually mean a bigger underlying situation, and the more you try to make repairs yourself, the greater the damage can become after the fact.

Our technicians have both the education and the experience to greater identify problems that are one sign of many that your system is failing. Plus, we’re able to understand the difference between when to improve a system that’s being inefficient and when to replace the whole thing, whether it’s due to age or the number of repairs being made already.

  1. Danger at Every Turn

Another reason to avoid scanning the latest DIY article about repairing or servicing HVAC yourself and to leave it to the professionals is, simply put, you and your family could be seriously hurt, or worse. Electrocution is one example, supposing your HVAC is electric, but there is also great risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or even fire. HVAC systems are machines, and to understand their inner workings requires years of education—much longer time spent learning than surfing the Internet.

If your HVAC system’s current problems are something along these dangerous lines, in no way should you attempt DIY. Pick up your phone and call us instead.

  1. Cheap Fixes = Expensive Installations

The idea of saving a few dollars here and there on repairs sounds tempting, but resist it with all your might because that way only leads to danger. Not only will cheap parts fail if you attempt to use them for repairing valuable ones in the HVAC system, but also it will cost you double, if not triple, to hire a professional and undo what you did if it goes wrong. And oftentimes, the damage done by DIY’ing it is irreparable, so you’re looking at having a new one installed whether you like it or not…just because you thought it would be nice to save a few bucks and do it yourself.

The actual expense behind ‘cheap’ fixes doesn’t stop there. It can cost you more to pay for individual parts than it would to replace an entire system. Especially considering most of the systems we come across in clients’ houses and buildings are way older than 10 years. That means the parts being made for repairs have long since been discontinued in terms of manufacture, so it’ll cost another arm and a leg for you to find the one part you need and order it yourself.

These aspects of HVAC repair and installation are discounted for us professionals. We’re licensed and certified, ergo qualified to receive those parts you may need at a fraction of the cost.

We Can Help

We care about all of our customers and their well-being and safety, now and when Rep-Air was launched. If you need an HVAC system properly installed, you’re tired of paying more for heat than necessary, or you have an emergency on your hands that just can’t wait, you know who to call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Gas vs Electric Furnaces: The Pros & Cons of Each

Which Is Better For Your Home: A Gas or Electric Furnace?

We’re already in late fall and approaching winter fast. It’s around this time of year when people are igniting their furnace or fireplace to avoid getting too cold.

Times are a little different now compared to the years before, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the question that we ask: natural gas or electric for HVAC? In particular, we’re talking about furnaces. Both types of systems create heat using a forced air heating system, but they create said heat in different ways.

Whichever furnace you decide to have installed in your Abbotsford home, it has to be the correct size. Otherwise your home won’t be heated properly or you may be forced to have maintenance performed more often.

We figured now’s a good time as any to help you learn more about your furnace. Here are the pros and cons of both natural gas and electric furnaces.

Electric Furnace Pros

Electric furnaces use exactly what you think it uses to generate heat: electricity. They are generally less expensive to install and maintain compared to a natural gas furnace. For some homeowners, an electric furnace is the best choice for them especially if they can reap from the listed benefits:

  • No need to use natural gas.
  • If your home doesn’t have a gas line and you can’t afford to have one installed (which also adds on to costs), this furnace is more ideal.
  • Electricity is all your home needs to heat up fully (depending on your area in the Lower Mainland).
  • Carbon and air pollution is vastly reduced.
  • With proper maintenance, these furnaces can last for up to 30 years.

Electric Furnace Cons

  • Higher electricity bills are a given. It could actually cost MORE to heat your home with electricity than with gas, though it depends on several factors.
  • Electric furnaces create original heat, but they can’t transfer it to other areas.
  • If you need to heat your home fast, you’ll have to wait; electric furnaces take their time to heat up.

Natural Gas Furnace Pros

This kind of furnace uses natural gas as opposed to electricity to generate heat before distributing it throughout the home. With the recent increase of going green for our homes, you may be wondering why natural gas furnaces are still an option provided to Canadian homes. The answer is because these too have their slew of benefits:

  • Your home is heated up fast compared to electric furnaces.
  • Natural gas furnaces are best suited for colder climates, which is a given in Canada’s Lower Mainland
  • They can lower your monthly energy expenses according to Fortis BC
  • Operating costs for this furnace are actually lower than electric, so while installation may be pricey, the long-term costs won’t so much
  • Though electric furnaces are technically more energy efficient, high-efficiency natural gas furnaces are becoming more widely available now so you can still reduce your carbon footprint.

Related article: Benefits of Natural Gas Furnaces for Homeowners

Natural Gas Furnace Cons

Naturally not everything about the gas furnace may suit your personal needs when it comes to heating your home. As we mentioned before, the type of furnace your home needs will depend on the factors of size and more. When and if you choose a natural gas furnace, expect the following downsides that come with the aforementioned perks:

  • Carbon monoxide leaks are much more likely, which means you absolutely need to have a detector installed as well
  • Installation and repairs are much more complicated (hence why you always should ask a professional technician for help)
  • Without proper maintenance, this furnace’s lifespan may only be about 15-20 years
  • The space required for a natural gas furnace is larger than an electric one.

Hire an Abbotsford HVAC Technician Who Can Handle Both!

Whatever type of furnace you’re looking at, you know you need to hire an HVAC team who can handle them all, whether for inspection’s sake or you need something fixed, or you need a new furnace installed. For all of these reasons and then some, you can’t go wrong with Rep-Air, so let us know when you need some help. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

How to Save Energy & Reduce Heating Costs in Fall & Winter

It’s the time of year for sweaters, hot drinks, and warming up by the fireplace. It’s also the time when we have our furnaces and heat turned on, but did you know doing that comes at a cost?

According to research, heating accounts for the most energy usage in a home in Canada by 61.6%. It’s all thanks to our cold climate in the fall and winter months. No wonder finding energy savings matters so much!

We’re happier knowing that our customers are staying safe and warm during the colder seasons, without going broke or wasting energy in the process. To help out, here are some tips on how to save energy and reduce your heating costs whenever it’s fall and winter.

  1. Schedule a Furnace Inspection

According to one study, it can cost from $3000 to 55000 on average to own a furnace, including installation costs. That’s a lot of money going towards your heating source, and you don’t want that kind of money going to waste.

The last thing you want is for this system to break down when you need it the most. It’s always easiest to have professional help inspecting your furnace because you just never know if its current problems are related to a quick fix or if the system is in need of a total replacement. Also, fixing a furnace only to schedule further repairs two weeks later will only extend the problem of needing a new one installed as opposed to fixing the real problem, which is what a scheduled maintenance inspection can help you figure out.

It’s best to start this step now, as opposed to later, for a lot of reasons. Winter is one of the busiest times of the year for HVAC technicians, whereas in fall things are quieter. Fall provides us with plenty of opportunity for us to really take a look at your systems and catch problems before they even occur. It’s a win-win for your wallet at the end of the day!

  1. Double-check Your Home’s Insulation

Did you know? According to Energy Star, it’s possible to save 15% of heating costs (or 11% of energy) by insulating the attic. Perhaps all those drafts sending chills down your spine could be coming directly from there, because you haven’t spent the time needed to inspect the insulation contained within?

Insulating your home will ensure that all drafts are not let in, and that not all the warmth you’re spending hard-earned money on is being let out. So, double check all doors and windows, and don’t forget about the attic this time.

  1. Look into Smart Thermostats

New thermostats, such as Nest, have rolled out smarter thermostats in the past few years that can tell you how much energy you’re using up and even alert you if something is amiss. Other good thermostats to check out for smarter usage includes Ecobee, Bosch, and Honeywell to name a couple.

What makes these thermostats worth investing in is that not only can they automate when to turn the heating on and off, but also in Nest’s case, the thermostat can identify potential heating problems for you. That being said, if these thermostats aren’t installed properly in the first place, or you went and DIY’d it, that’s going to be the costliest for you going forward. If you really want to get a smart thermostat installed, ask a professional technician to get that done right for you. Rebates are available for some of these smarter thermostats as well if you’re struggling with the cost.

  1. Lower Hot Water Costs

We understand that this tip sounds impossible to do, given this entire year’s circumstances and how we need to approach washing our hands, staying clean, and keeping everyone safe going forward. But it is possible to reduce your hot water usage regardless.

First, examine the thermostat of your water heater. Around this time of the year, it’s recommended to keep your water heater’s temperature at 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit). That way, you can avoid growing harmful bacteria in the tank such as Legionella. This temperature will also allow you to retain your hot water for handwashing and laundry day without scalding yourself or your family. Any hotter than this recommendation and you can actually increase your expenses as opposed to lowering them.

If you’ve been following our second tip on double checking insulation, the water heater is an excellent place to start. By insulating the tank and the pipes, you’ll be keeping the heat where it belongs, and no heat will be lost while the water is en route from the tank to your taps.

Another tip? Switch from a tank water heater to a tankless one (if you can afford to). Tankless heaters are both smaller and environmentally friendlier than the tank kind, and for some homeowners can be the better financial solution. For more benefits on switching to tankless, you can check out our previous blog post, and if you’re convinced to get an installation, let our qualified technicians know.

  1. Invest in some Upgrades

We’re not just talking about upgrading your furnace (although if it’s showing signs of wear and tear, such as those outlined in our previous article, or it’s getting old and keeps falling apart, then yes now’s a good time to upgrade!). We’re talking about several aspects of your home where warmth can accidentally be compromised.

The water heater, we’ve already talked about. But did you know your own front door and pipes can work against you if you’re not careful? Even investing in weather stripping for the front door can save some much-needed heat! And again, insulating the pipes goes a long way in preserving energy and the heat for your water.

Help is available if you want to invest in some upgrades, particularly if it’s your furnace in need of one. Again, rebates are a good place to start, but there is also SNAP financing, which you can read more about here, and here.

If you need even more tips on how to save on costs and heating this year, you can also refer to our blog post about heating expenses here.

Need some help putting these tips into action? You can start now by scheduling an inspection of your furnace. Call our technicians—we know how to get the job done and done well! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Fun Facts About HVAC You May Not Have Known Before

It’s tough to learn about HVAC sometimes, especially when our lives are so preoccupied with other, more pressing matters. There’s COVID-19 this year, and how we’re continually trying to adapt in order to stop the spread of it; many businesses have temporarily closed and, unfortunately, some for good.

We fall under the category of businesses who have temporarily closed our doors, however that does not mean you should neglect HVAC or ignore the signs of a problem. Now is a good time to maintain your systems! If they’re already cleaned up though, you may be wondering how to best pass the time. Why not learn some interesting facts about HVAC? Here are some fun trivia and facts that maybe—just maybe—you didn’t know about before.

Before HVAC, We Had Evaporation

It’s a fact that the most basic form of air conditioning relies on evaporative cooling methods. Back in Ancient Egypt, people stayed cool amidst the heat by hanging water-soaked reeds on window sills. The water would evaporate when the wind would blow, making the air all around the space much cooler.

Egypt was not the only place to rely on ancient methods. Ancient Rome circulated their water from the aqueducts through the walls of certain houses, also for the sake of staying cool.

Of course, nowadays we have HVAC to help stay cool or even stay warm, thanks to a few certain inventors….

The Father of Air Conditioning

John Gorrie, a Floridian doctor in 1842, is known to be the father of air conditioning. The machine he developed made ice so that the air could be cooled down for his patients. Gorrie was granted a patent to create a similar model for homes and buildings. Sadly, he passed away before he could create one.

HVAC Becomes Reality

In 1902, John Gorrie’s machine was brought to life and then some. Willis Carrier created a genuine air conditioner for a publishing company he worked for in Brooklyn. He made it to keep the temperature and humidity levels low enough for the paper they used to keep from shrinking or expanding too much. This machine did not, however, become a widely available system for every home and building until much later in the course of history.

How Air Conditioning Got Its Name

Even though Willis Carrier made the very first air conditioner, the term ‘air conditioning’ didn’t really have a name until 1906. It was coined by a textile manufacturer in North Carolina after the technology improved the quality of the fabric being produced in the factory. It’s definitely a catchier, easier to remember term than air conditioning’s patent title for one of the first modern systems, which was “An apparatus for treating the air”.

HVAC: The Real “Summer Blockbuster”

Did you know that air conditioning is in fact the reason we have the term ‘summer blockbuster’? That’s because movie theaters were among the first public places to have air conditioning. This was their way to get everyone to come to the movies and out of their non-air conditioned homes at the time. The theaters would then release their biggest films in the summer with the air conditioning turned on all the while. Thus, the term ‘summer blockbuster.’

HVAC Saves the Day

Gorrie had the right idea to use air conditioning for his patients. Hospitals with A/C have helped prevent several diseases and even saved lives. A few examples include defeating malaria, advancing developments in surgery, inhibiting bacteria, and decreasing infant mortality rates.

If you know a thing or two about HVAC that we haven’t listed here, let us know! Our doors may be closed for now, but we are still available for online or phone consultations and estimates. Get in touch with us for all your HVAC needs! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

How to Get HVAC Service with Minimal to No Contact

The times we live in right now are uncertain; more people are working from home or self-isolating to stay safe. As of March this year, we’ve had to close our own doors indefinitely since a lot of our services include in-person repairs and replacements, to keep our own customers safe in these troubling times.

One thing we know for certain though is just because we’re not meeting one-on-one, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get good quality HVAC service. We’re in a low season right now and it’s too easy to tell yourself that you don’t need HVAC help, but that’s a dangerous assumption to make because it leads to all of the problems we’ve outlined in our blog that can happen: emergency breakdowns, problems when starting up the air conditioner or furnace, little to no heating or cooling happening…the list goes on.

We want you to stay safe and healthy during this concerning part of our current world’s history, so here are some tips we know you’re going to need right now. Here’s how to get good quality, honest HVAC service with no in-person contact to put you and your family at risk.

  1. Phone or E-mail Your Technicians

Even though some of us are still technically not open, that doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help in case of an emergency! Calling your technician over the phone is one way to get guidance on emergency care tips or if you’re in need of a possible estimate. E-mail is another virtual way to get the help you need.

  1. Take Pictures of Your HVAC

Sometimes describing the problems you’re experiencing over the phone are not enough to express the seriousness of your situation. The best thing you can do at this time is to grab your phone or any camera you have on hand and start recording what’s happening. Not only is it helpful to take photographs, but also you could record videos to capture the sounds that are part of the problem, such as hissing or loud banging.

  1. Allow Your Technicians Entry

Supposing the estimate provided is acceptable, and your HVAC situation is a very urgent one, your technicians will have to come in person to fix the problem. That being said, you can make your appointment with the technician a contactless one. Leave the basement door unlocked if the issue is your furnace or hot water heater, and head upstairs or outside while we work inside. We can work outside and maintaining social distance if your problem involves an outdoor unit.

If for any reason you are under quarantine and can’t let anyone in, but you still require assistance, we can guide you over the phone on what needs to be done before you can allow anybody else inside. 

  1. Stay Calm

If you’re facing any of the most common HVAC problems such as little to no airflow or heat, it’s disconcerting for sure. However, nothing will get done if you choose to panic at the first sign of HVAC failure. The best thing to do is to stay calm and follow the above tips for emergencies and contactless service. If you’re working from home temporarily or have time, now is a great moment to perform HVAC maintenance such as cleaning the air filter and the outside of your units. Feel free to check out our spring cleaning tips for HVAC and put them to good use while you wait for things to settle down.

Stay healthy and safe during these tough times, and know that your HVAC is still in good hands—even if you need to practice social distancing. We’ll get through this and be stronger on the other side for it! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Hot Water Heater Basics for New Homeowners

If this is the year you’ve gotten a new home, congratulations! With homeownership comes a whole slew of responsibilities, however, and one of them includes HVAC maintenance. Other aspects you’re required to look after include the hot water heater as well.

You may be staring at this valuable resource right now wondering what exactly you need to do with it. If this sounds like you, don’t worry, we can help. Here are some basics on hot water heaters worth knowing as a new homeowner.

1: Yes, You Need to Clean It

Hot water heaters require cleaning and maintenance in order to do a few things: 1) heat up the water when needed, such as when washing the dishes, running the washing machine, and taking a shower; 2) keep the hot water clean and flowing throughout the plumbing. Just like HVAC, maintaining a hot water heater has its benefits: for one, you increase its lifespan and extend the number of years it’ll remain an efficient heater. For another, it makes certain you have the proper amount of domestic water running to your home.

A few tasks you can perform every so often are to clean out the tank and replace the anode rods. For more details on what anode rods are and how to clean a heater, please refer to our blog post.

2: Failure is Not an Ideal Option

It’s dangerous to leave aside the maintenance tasks for too long! Hot water heaters are built with a pressure and temperature controlled tank. If the water in the heater becomes overheated, the pressure will build to the point where the thermal expansion will blow out the bottom. This can cause the unit to take off through your home just like a rocket!

There are other risks you should always keep in mind with your water heater. There’s a chance the natural gas used to fuel the heater can leak out, and an explosion could occur. Carbon monoxide may also leak out from the fuel burn. A minor risk of electrical shock, if your heater is an electrical one, can occur if the heater was improperly installed.

Because these are such great risks to families, a hot water heater requires a permit for installation. The purpose of this permit is to allow a third-party to come and inspect the heater and make sure nothing was missed and the family living within the space is safe from harm. Our technicians at Rep-Air are licensed and equipped with the needed skills and knowledge of codes and safety procedures to inspect and maintain your water heater safely and efficiently.

3: You Have Two Options

By options we mean the type of water heater for your home. These two options are tankless and tank heaters. Tank water heaters are the most common type of heater you will find in homes. They store gallons of heated water at a time, and are an economical choice for some homeowners. There are lower up-front unit costs, for example, with tank heaters compared to the tankless ones.

Tankless, in comparison, heat your water on demand but don’t store water. What happens instead is the water will pass through a series of coils to and from the unit. Because of this, tankless heaters are a good choice for environmentally conscious homeowners, plus they take up way less space than tank ones.

As for fueling the heaters, you have two common choices there as well. Natural gas and electric hot water heaters are usually the kinds you’ll find in the marketplace within BC, the main reasons being they’re the most efficient to maintain, they’re some of the least expensive to purchase, and they’re the easiest to fix by a technician if something goes awry. Some companies may offer other fuel options, however they may not be the most environmentally friendly or the least expensive options if those are what you’re looking for.

If your new home comes with a heater that’s a tank, but you’d rather have a tankless one instead, you do have the option to replace it. Even better, rebates and financing options are available to homeowners who want to make the switch from tank to tankless.

Get a Licensed Technician to Help!

You will need to call in an expert if there are any signs that your hot water heater is having problems. These signs include but are not limited to having no hot water (despite it being cranked all the way up), your water is under or overheating, and the thermostat is faulty. For more details on the signs you can refer to our blog post on that subject as well.

Give our team a call for all your water heater needs. Our licensed technicians can also help you make the switch from tank to tankless, if you would like. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

What Happens When You Don’t Take Care of Your HVAC?

Sometimes it’s tough to feel like you want to take care of your home, especially the HVAC. After all, it’s not like you have nothing to do in the meantime. You may work long hours, you may be a parent raising your kids, or you may be struggling to make ends meet every month. Life happens.

That does not mean, however, that it’s a good idea to leave HVAC out of the picture entirely. As much as we don’t want to admit it, looking after HVAC on a regular basis is part of a homeowner’s life, whether you like it or not. If you’re wondering what will happen if you don’t take care of your HVAC, or you want to let the task of maintaining it slide for once this season, maybe reading this will help change your mind. Here’s what really happens if or when you don’t take care of your home’s HVAC.

  1. Dirt. Dirt everywhere.

You know how electronics like the TV seem to naturally draw in dust when you’re not looking? Well, the same thing happens to HVAC: if you ignore cleaning and dusting off its components, expect to find dirt.

Lots of it. Everywhere.

Dirt isn’t the only thing to build up either. Mold, mildew, and yes, dust too can all pile up and get circulated throughout the home, leading to one messy house.

The filter, blower, and coils all work together to circulate air and heat up or cool down the rooms. Dirty components, on the other hand, require more energy to keep the air flowing and dirty coils are incapable of moving air of the proper temperature efficiently throughout the system. All this will lead to an inefficient HVAC system that will cost you hundreds of dollars over several years.

  1. A ton of damage from air filters

You know how some people can’t stop sneezing whenever spring rolls in? Imagine not being able to stop. Now you have an idea of what happens if you don’t clean or replace the air filters in your HVAC.

Other than helping your HVAC heat up or cool down your home, one of an air filter’s roles is to filter out all of the airborne particles that could threaten your health and well-being. By refusing to clean the filter, pollen, allergens, dander, and dust are all more likely to circulate throughout the house and be breathed in by you and your family. You’re also going to experience twice the amount of dirt and dander thanks to your leaving the gunk build up.

You and your family will not be the only ones to feel worse either. All of that dirt and dust buildup can clog the heat or cold your HVAC is trying to circulate. By not bothering to replace or clean it, you are in turn reducing the lifespan of your HVAC dramatically. Worst case scenario, an extremely clogged filter will lead to a complete premature failure as your HVAC expends too much of its energy to function.

So, bottom line, not taking care of the air filter is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea.

  1. Carbon monoxide poisoning

If your home has a furnace, it too can break down in several ones. One of the most dangerous consequences of failing to take care of this HVAC system are gas leaks. A furnace usually comes with a combustion chamber, which is where the gas is transferred and burned to generate heated air. This combustion process also releases carbon monoxide, which is a colourless and odourless toxic gas. A properly cleaned furnace will exhaust the carbon monoxide through the flue vent, leaving your home heated and, most importantly, safe.

However, if the exhaust becomes clogged from lack of maintenance, that’s when trouble can arise. If there’s no carbon monoxide detector in your home either, that’s also dangerous considering how difficult it is to detect carbon monoxide. A clogged exhaust will cause gas to backup within the house, and thus force the carbon monoxide to spread. This is exceedingly dangerous to everyone within if it’s not addressed immediately!

  1. Leaks

Not only gas leaks, but also refrigerant leaks are going to be more frequent if you don’t take care of your HVAC. Leaks are one of the most common problems we encounter at Rep-Air, and they can happen for several reasons, from several common causes:

  • Dirt and debris is blocking the drain’s hole
  • The condenser pump has broken
  • The seals on your HVAC unit aren’t tight enough
  • The hose is blocked or clogged up with—you guessed it—dirt, debris, and other mucky particles.

Every single one of these scenarios can occur if you decide to not maintain your HVAC. Fixing the problem, as opposed to preventing them from happening, will only add to the cost of repairs.

  1. Power problems

Like any mechanical equipment, there are components inside of your HVAC system that have a shelf life. This include power-delivering parts and wires that keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

Neglecting these components if there are smaller issues will definitely turn into expensive, big problems fast. Power fluctuations, frequent shutdowns, and ultimately a complete breakdown can and will occur. They start from the smaller issues we’ve outlined already such as a restricted airflow and lack of cleaning. That’s why we insist that regular maintenance, both on your part as well as by professional technicians, will not only prevent these major issues from happening but also ensures your HVAC’s lifespan is prolonged significantly.

Get the Service Your HVAC Needs!

If you’re experiencing one or more of these issues, give us a call at once. Delaying the fact that your HVAC system needs maintenance and tending to will only make things worse! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

What You Need to Know About Air Conditioner Refrigerant Leaks

Any leak discovered in an HVAC system is a bad time! Not only does it mean your air conditioner requires repairing, but also leaks are costly to both diagnose and fix. It doesn’t help that there are multiple reasons for a leak to happen.

The only good way to stop an air conditioner refrigerant leak, which is the most common type we see on the job, is to prevent one from happening in the first place. With that in mind, here is some information that’s all about these leaks, symptoms you’ve got one going on, what to do if you discover a leak, and how best to prevent this kind of HVAC problem altogether.

How do these leaks happen?

In order to best understand how a refrigerant leak happens in the first place, it helps to know a little about air conditioning. Refrigerant is the main fuel source for refrigerators and air conditioners of all types. When switched on, the refrigerant moves between the two sets of coils within the air conditioning system, the one indoors and the one outdoors. Along its way through the indoor coil, the refrigerant absorbs the heat from the indoor air and then cools it down.

A leak may happen for quite a few reasons, which makes diagnosing it difficult:

  • Vibration against the coils, which can cause a leak over time
  • Joints or connections in an air conditioner or heat pump that have also weakened over time
  • Pollutants in the air such as cleaners, air fresheners, hair spray, and “off gassing” from building materials and furnishings can corrode the copper tube walls of the indoor coil, causing leakage in more than one location
  • Age of the unit is also a factor; as the refrigerant continues to circulate under high pressure, wear forms on the inside of the tubing which causes its walls to thin, therefore leading to the possibility of leaks by the formerly mentioned causes

What are the signs of an A/C refrigerant leak?

While some of these signs may seem obvious, it’s actually pretty hard to tell their origin unless you’re an experienced professional. That’s why it’s so crucial to ask your regular technician to check up on your system when it’s less than busy; they can detect and diagnose the potential for this problem before it even happens. The typical signs of a leak include:

  • A loss in cooling power
  • No cool air being blown
  • A hissing noise; gurgling means there’s a larger leak
  • Frozen evaporator coils
  • Water on the floor near the unit
  • Higher than normal electric bills

What do I do if I find a leak?

Call an HVAC technician ASAP!! Even if it’s the busy season, you can’t afford to let a leak continue to occur. Not only will the leak continue to cost you in terms of expenses, but also it’s dangerous exposing yourself to refrigerant.

One thing you should not do is assume that the only cure for a leak is that the refrigerant level is low and a refill will fix the problem. If you were recently advised this, ignore it!! An air conditioner is not like a car in which oil needs to be replenished over time. A properly functioning system can circulate and maintain the same amount of refrigerant.

How to prevent air conditioner refrigerant leaks

Not to sound repetitive, but it’s true—calling your technician is the best way to prevent leaks from occurring in the first place. If proper maintenance is provided on a regular schedule, and you keep your air conditioner clean even before summer, then it’s easier and less expensive on your part to have a potential leak detected than it would be to fix the leak as soon as it happens. It doesn’t help that the signs of a leak are so similar to that of other problems. It’s easy to assume there’s a leak without realizing the issue is as fixable as, say, replacing a clogged air filter.

So, the best way to prevent leaks is to never make assumptions and never DIY a leak if it happens. If you notice water on the floor near the unit or ice on the coils, calling in the professionals is the way to go.

Still need help? Our technicians can inspect and maintain your air conditioner before the busy summer months roll in, and detect potential leaks. Now is the best time to give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

How to Get Your Home’s HVAC Systems Ready for Spring

Are you eagerly anticipating the warm weather? Spring is a prime time of the year to clean house and get ready to shed your winter coat. It’s also the best time of the year to switch from heating to cooling your home down!

It’s time to give your furnace and other heating systems a nice vacation while waking your air conditioner and cooling up from hibernation. Here are a few tips to help you get your home and HVAC systems ready for the spring season.

  1. Turn on the A/C

One of the easiest tasks you should do first and foremost is switch on the air conditioner or cooling system in your home. You’ll want to do this in order to detect immediate underlying problems, such as:

  • Loud, banging noises
  • Minimal or no air flow
  • Funky smells
  • Constant stopping mid-cycle

Make sure while the cooling system is on to walk from room to room. Check on the vents in each room to ensure they’re open, clean, and providing adequate airflow.

  1. Change the Filters

Even if you applied a new filter at the start of winter and your cooling system went into hibernation mode, it’s still best to check up on the filter. Dust can accumulate at any time and impact your system’s efficiency and the air quality in your home. The longer you withhold from cleaning this part of HVAC, the more dust that gathers and the bigger the cleaning job becomes.

That’s why it’s recommended you change the air filter in your HVAC every three months (or more, depending on other factors such as pets). Doing so will ensure you’re not breathing in harmful particulates such as mold, dust, and allergens, and your HVAC will keep performing smoothly.

  1. Check the Thermostat

Another simple task you can perform this spring is to check up on your thermostat and make sure it’s functioning normally. You will want to check that the displayed temperature on the thermostat matches the actual temperature of the air in your home. If the numbers don’t match, watch out—that’s one of several warning signs of imminent failure on your HVAC’s part (plus you’ll start paying more money than you ought!).

If it’s been a while since you last looked at your thermostat, perhaps it’s time to upgrade it? Programmable thermostats come with their own slew of benefits. Their best feature worth noting is their ability to adjust the temperature based on your own unique schedule, and can turn HVAC on and off even when you’re not at home.

Spring is a great time of the year to upgrade your thermostat to a programmable one if you haven’t already. Your home will be more comfortable come summer and you’ll save money in the process!

  1. Spring Clean Around Your Units

You knew this was coming! The air filters are not the only components of HVAC that require regular cleaning. Coils on the outside units, fan blades, and so on may all require your attention after the winter months have passed. There may be debris all around the outdoor units of your air conditioner (depending on what kind you own) that needs to be cleared out as well.

Take some time to spring clean these valuable parts of your HVAC in addition to the rest of your home this season. That way, you won’t force the units to work as hard if they’re dirty, plus you reduce the risk of increased utility bills for using them.

  1. Call Your HVAC Technician

If you’re finding the task of tune-ups and maintenance to be too difficult, spring is the best time of the year to contact an expert. It’s a low season, so there’s more time we can dedicate to diagnosing the problems you’re having exactly while also providing top-notch quality service. It may be time to get an annual check-up and maintenance regardless!

Having trouble?

If you’ve discovered a problem with your cooling systems while gearing it up for spring, go ahead and give us a call. We’re here for all of your HVAC needs! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

The Pros and Cons of Each HVAC System

Sometimes a new HVAC system is needed for your home, particularly if the system itself is getting too old and worn out. It could not be heating up or cooling down properly, or the parts needed to repair it are no longer being manufactured. Whatever the reason, there may come a point when you need to get a new HVAC system.

What type of system would be best for your needs though? The ones we’re going to cover in today’s article are the most common types you’ll see in the market. Here are the pros and cons of each so you know which is which and whether one will suit your needs the most.

  1. Split Systems

Heating and cooling split systems are the most common type of HVAC system you’ll see. As the name implies, the entire system is split between two main units, one for cooling and one for heating. This is the system that consists of both indoor and outdoor units, which you have already recognized. A cooling system is set up outside, which uses compressors, coils, and refrigerant to cool air and a fan to blow out the hot air. These are the large air conditioning units placed outside of homes that run frequently in the summer months.

The heater part of the system is usually located in the basement or other storage area, and gas is used to heat up the home. This hot air is either dispersed by a fan or circulated via an evaporator. A traditional thermostat is used to manage the temperature, and usually keeps it at your desired level.


  • These units come packaged with purifiers and humidifiers so you’re comfortable no matter what the weather is.
  • These are the most generally used systems for homes that aren’t forced to cater to specific needs or environmental factors.
  • Most split systems are built to be noiseless, meaning the only sound you’ll hear is the air being circulated indoors.
  • Split systems are attractive when it comes to placement because they’re unobtrusive enough. You can have them out of the way and still feel their heating and cooling effects. Even if you do see them, their build is a sleek and modern one.


  • Split systems are incredibly expensive to install from the get-go. The long-term savings you see after time has passed makes up for the initial cost; however, it is still an investment needing to be made and not everyone can afford it (especially if it turns out to be the wrong system for the job!).
  • It can take a while for a licensed HVAC person to come and install it in your home. It absolutely has to be a professional who installs it, both for your safety’s sake as well as to validate your warranty. If this kind of a job is needed in the middle of summer, that’s an extra cost on top of it already!
  • Split systems are only best suitable for larger homes, and they need to be positioned within 30 feet of each other since that’s the length of tubing that connects them together. This means if you’re in an apartment building or you live in an exceptionally tall building, this will not work out.
  • Though the indoor units don’t make any noise, the outdoor units generate a lot of it. If you live in a highly populated area, this system won’t do since you need to be considerate of your neighbours and respect their need for a quiet space.
  1. Hybrid Split Systems

Hybrid split systems are similar to split ones, but there are some key differences worth noting. These systems can react to changing temperatures and then adjust their temperatures automatically when heating up or cooling down a home. It combines a furnace with a heat pump rather than an air conditioner, saving fuel resources in the process. Hybrid heat can also work together with both gas and electric systems.


  • Homeowners can decide how they want their home to be heated up, gas or electric—the choice is there.
  • Hybrid systems work best in mild climates where homeowners can take advantage of electric heat during months when it’s not too cold.
  • The hybrid system uses traditional ducts and a thermostat, so it provides all the benefits of a split system but with an additional option to conserve energy and lessen up the cost of utility bills.


  • Though hybrid systems can provide efficient heat in mild and brief winters, It’s not very good at extracting heat from the outside air. So when the temperature falls below freezing one winter, your home could be potentially left chilly and uncomfortable.
  • A hybrid split system is not a 100% renewable solution to reducing the carbon footprint. The hybrid system still uses boilers that rely on fossil fuels in order to function.
  • You may see a difference in lower energy costs in the long term, but the higher upfront cost may be unrealistic to you as a homeowner. If you plan to move from your home in the next few years, a hybrid system is not your best financial option.
  1. Mini Split (Duct Free)

A mini-split or duct-free HVAC system is unique in that it has large upfront costs, but the benefits for certain applications and needs make up for it a great deal. These types of systems come in the form of individual units in each room, providing you with great independent control. The units are typically mounted on walls indoors and attached to an outdoor compressor.


  • They’re best for heating up or cooling down individual rooms, making them ideal units in garages, additions, and/or additional buildings.
  • They’re easy to install.
  • They allow you independent control of the unit.
  • They’re great for commercial purposes, such as hotels or venues, and for apartments or smaller homes since they allow tenants to control individual temperatures.
  • They keep exterior rooms from being heated and only do so for individual rooms, so it’s conserving more energy in the process.


  • They’re highly expensive, both to install and repair if a part is broken or worn down.
  • The sight of a unit is more obvious than other forms of HVAC units (can be a problem if you don’t want to notice them day in and out).
  • The systems require intensive and regular cleaning and maintenance, and it’s more important to keep up with that since the total cost of repairs and replacements is also very expensive.
  • Its ability to use less power is both a pro and a con; compared to central air, this system may not provide the same level of consistency you may be looking for.

To sum up, there are a great deal several types of HVAC systems, but now that you know a little more about these systems you can make a more informed purchasing decision.

Financing options are available via SNAP if you’re mainly concerned about the initial cost. When you’re ready for your new system and you want professionals to handle the installation process, give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!