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How to Choose the Best Commercial A/C for Your Business

Published on: June 14, 2019

IMPORTANT NOTE: . Our company is located in British Columbia, Canada. If you are reading this article in another location, we hope you enjoy the information, but unfortunately we cannot service you. 

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If you run a business or work within a certain industry, you already know that working in a room where the temperature is controlled regularly has its perks. A cool temperature allows everyone to work at their best, including the boss or manager in charge of keeping everything and everyone performing to their fullest potential. Commercial air conditioning, in this case and many more, really can improve the quality of your life (if you’re the boss) and the lives of your staff members and customers. It can even preserve your most valuable inventory such as chilled food and beverages from getting too hot.

However, if you don’t understand HVAC in general or about the types of air conditioners a business can use, then you could potentially be running up your bills without realizing. If you want to install a new air conditioner before summer kicks in, it’s crunch time because us technicians are going to be very busy with other customers’ air conditioners! Here’s how to choose to the best A/C for your business if you need a new system in place.

Identify Your Business’s Needs

Depending on what type of business you run, there are going to be a lot of needs for air conditioning that go beyond simply cooling off your staff.

  • Do you run a restaurant or a store? Commercial refrigerators count as HVAC too. So do ice machines. The air conditioning you select should ensure these important units stay cool as well.
  • How many rooms and story levels in your building need to be cooled down? It matters if there needs to be one specific room alone or multiple rooms. More on that below.
  • Do you work at or help run a school or educational building? If so you may already be aware of other elements that involve these types of buildings and HVAC, which you can read about here in our article.
  • Does your business consist of valuable equipment such as computers? If so, air conditioning and ventilation is a must. You can read more about the reasons why we insist on that in our other article here.

Look at all of the Different Types before Settling

Knowing fully which types of air conditioners are available in the market before you settle on one can make the difference between A/C that only does part of its job versus a system that gets the job done entirely. The air conditioners below are an example of some of the highest quality units available for commercial purposes.

  • Single-Splits/Multi-Splits. The single-split system is the most modestly priced in terms of commercial HVAC budgets, ideal for cafés, small offices, server rooms, and similarly shaped spaces. The single-split comes with one exterior unit for every individual indoor unit. Multi-split systems are better suited for large office spaces, doctors’ offices, retail shops, diners, and several other interior spaces where the many walls and floors will often best benefit from multiple cooling units that connect to a single large outdoor one.
  • VRF/VRV. This system consists of a heat pump that uses refrigerant in the heating and cooling process, with more than one evaporator connecting to a single condenser. With this system there is a choice between choosing a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) or the variable refrigerant volume (VRV).
  • CAV/VAV. Constant air volume (CAV) or varying volume (VAV) have their differences despite how similar they sound. These air conditioning systems rely on a single-duct supply and return setup and use either constant or varying airflow to keep the temperature at the set points needed. The air in a CAV system consists of a constant speed at all times, with the flow always staying the same. Varying airflow means the system’s speed and airflow varies depending on your preferences.

Duct vs. Ductless

Above all the different choices, as a business owner the ultimate decision lies between choosing two very different things: a duct-based or ductless A/C system. The difference between the two is vast. A ductless system is exactly as its name implies: the system comes with no ducts. Instead, it only uses air handlers to blow air separately into each room. Ducted A/C systems are exactly what they sound like; they use ducts of sheet metal to allow warm or cool air to travel throughout the building.

When it comes to choosing between the two, it’s best you choose a ducted system if your building already has ducts; you need that improved air flow and control over humidity levels. Only go with ductless systems if you are adding a new room to your commercial property and space, if you want multiple, separate cooling zones, or if there’s no room left for ducts in the building.

Does Your Business Include Warehouses?

The warehouse requires its own specific ventilation in order to cool down the giant space adequately. In fact, depending on the size of it, you may have to combine several different systems in order to achieve the best cooling results:

  • Large ceiling fans.We’re talking about high volume, low speed (HVLS) ceiling fans with 24-foot blades. These will help cut down the temperatures in warehouses by 20 degrees or more.
  • Evaporative coolers.These combine a box fan with a well-refined misting system to provide cool, economical comfort levels.
  • Industrial box fans.These can move large volumes of air through large spaces (in this case, your warehouse) all while retaining its portability factor.

Whichever commercial air conditioning you choose, you’re guaranteed to save yourself some trouble and money by hiring only the best to install it. Call our trustworthy HVAC technicians if your company needs help! At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or contact@repairheatingandcooling.comand don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

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