How to Cut Down on AC Usage and Costs
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Toggle5 Ways To Lower Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer
It’s getting warm out day by day (and even at night), so you know what that means: it’s time to put your air conditioner to use. Now, this can either mean a great thing or a bad thing, depending on one crucial aspect: money. It’s a fact that using AC does indeed cost you a lot whenever you run it. That’s because of several factors, such as the energy usage and the electricity used to run the system, both of which impact your utility bills.
Some of you may be wondering “I know this and I want to save money, but I also want to stay comfortable. What can I do?” If this sounds like your train of thought, we’re here to guide you. Here are some tips on how to cut down on your AC usage and costs.
Don’t Leave the AC on Full Blast All the Time
You may be surprised, but it’s actually fine to leave on air conditioning nearly all of the time if you leave it at a low enough temperature. What will actually spike your expenses is when you set the unit to provide cooling at full blast and leave that on all the time. Electricity is what an air conditioner uses the most of and it’s what will cost you the most money more than anything. By being forced to go at full blast, whether all day long or in intervals, you’re putting pressure on your unit that will shorten both its efficiency at cooling your home down and its life span from the strain of being turned off and then on again.
The effectiveness of your unit’s ability to cool air down and the unit itself can also determine whether one should leave the A/C on all day or turn it off at intervals. For example, if you own a central A/C system and it hasn’t been updated since you moved in 20 years ago, it’s definitely inefficient when it comes to energy and costs compared to a brand new air conditioning system made last year. You also definitely should not turn your A/C off during a heat wave, because it’ll make the indoor air’s heat rise faster and then your unit will spend a lot of time and energy while getting the air back down to an ideal temperature. In this case, it makes more sense to leave your air conditioner on all day (again though, not at full blast).
Use a Programmable Thermostat
A programmable thermostat can be set to the desired temperature whether at night or when you’re away from your home. Some can be installed directly into your home, while others actually come with their own app on your phone or other mobile device. It’s a good way to ensure you can adjust the temperature if needed, even when you’re not present to change the thermostat yourself.
Keep the Unit Clean
We know it sounds redundant, but that’s because it’s true. Keeping any HVAC unit clean, whether for cooling down or warming up a space, can make a real difference in both costs and your energy usage. We recommend you perform these regular tasks before, during, and after the summer season for best results:
- Clean or replace the air filter, usually every 3 months or once a month if you have pets or kids
- Tidy up the exterior and wipe away any accumulating dust or dirt
- Before and after the summer is over, take some time to clean the fans and vents connecting to the air circulation
For more tips on taking care of your air conditioner prior to any heat waves, you can check out our previous blog post “How to Prepare Your Air Conditioner for the Warmer Seasons“. These tips can apply to during and after summer is over as well.
Invest in Ceiling Fans
If you can afford a ceiling fan or have the right home for it, this will improve things slightly and ensure you can use the cool air you have without relying on the air conditioner so much. Your ceiling fan should be set to rotate counter clockwise in the summer so that the air gets pushed down and you get that desired cool breeze. Remember to switch the fans around come wintertime in order to ensure the heat stays at the bottom of the room where you need it, since heat always rises.
Update Your Windows Slightly
If you keep feeling hot when standing next to a window, chances are there’s a tiny hole forming and you may need to get the caulk fixed. Caulking will seal any holes where cool air in the summer or hot air in the winter can leak out. In terms of staying cooler, you can always use film to tint your windows. This will make a room darker so that the sunlight doesn’t make the heat rise in your home so much. Most film for windows can be sized up and then applied yourself.
Need a More Up-to-Date Air Conditioner?
A new AC system or unit will seem expensive at first glance, but when you add together the cost of maintenance and repairs for a system that’s older and failing constantly, it makes more sense to upgrade. Our technicians can install new HVAC for you if your current system is no longer running as efficiently as it should and you want to stay cool this summer while keeping costs low. Let us know when you contact us if you’d like even more tips on how to save your money. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!
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