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The Importance of Keeping Your HVAC Equipment Maintained

Published on: March 19, 2018

IMPORTANT NOTE: . Our company is located in British Columbia, Canada. If you are reading this article in another location, we hope you enjoy the information, but unfortunately we cannot service you. 

Here’s a question for you: when was the last time you checked on your HVAC equipment? We’re talking about your furnace, A/C, walk-in cooler or freezer, and gas burners. If your answer is “I don’t remember,” that’s a bad sign! Maintaining your HVAC equipment is a must no matter where you live or what season of the year it is. Here is why regular HVAC maintenance is so important.

It Keeps You Comfortable

No homeowner wants to wake up hot and sweaty in the summer only to switch on their A/C and have it break! This is why it’s so important to check on your A/C. You should always examine this system before summer rolls around every year.

Check to see if the condenser needs to be cleaned; this is one of the most important parts of your A/C unit because it is what exchanges heat for cool air. If the cooling is reduced, it’s a sign the condenser is failing and it will require your attention.

You will also need to clean the A/C’s evaporator coil. If the evaporator coil is soiled, its efficiency will decrease. Failing to check on your A/C system will guarantee that it will have a shorter lifespan in its usability. By checking on the coil, it will also deter the issue of refrigerant leaks—another thing to look for whenever it’s time to check the A/C.

It Prevents Fire Hazards

The furnace in your home is another one of the most important HVAC units to maintain. If you don’t remember the last time you checked the furnace filter, you may want to do that right now. Not only can an unchanged filter change the air quality in your home, but also an unchanged one could cause the furnace to overwork to the point where it overheats up and even causes a fire!

For best results, you will need to change the filter on your furnace every 3 months. If you or any family members have allergies or sensitivities to dust and pollen, you should change the filter more frequently i.e. every 45 to 60 days.

It Can Lower Utility Costs

Did you know there is a way you can both conserve energy and save money at the same time? You can accomplish this by checking on and cleaning your HVAC equipment. Doing so will help you save money on heating, cooling, and energy costs, all while staying comfortable in your home without worrying about emergency repairs.

It Prevents Food from Going to Waste

Walk-in coolers and freezers count as HVAC equipment too! If these units stop performing at their peak capacity, that can affect your monthly energy bills and the food you’re trying to keep cold or cool. The last thing you want to stumble across is food that is slowly defrosting when it shouldn’t be due to the fan motor not working or no air flow inside—it spells bad news all around! An iced-up evaporator coil is also a bad sign that the equipment has gone unchecked for too long, and should be cleaned ASAP.

You Can Save Money

It costs more to replace your HVAC equipment than it would to repair or clean it! The more the equipment is looked after, the longer the units will last. Considering how much it will cost to install a brand new system in the first place, should anything go wrong, it makes more sense financially to let it run as well as it can for as long as it can.

If any of the equipment we mentioned is not running to its full capacity, get help to service it and soon!

At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-844-218-3362 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

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