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Safety Tips for Natural Gas Fireplaces During the Holidays

It’s the holiday season, meaning your home should be cozy and warm and not at all cold and drafty. Maybe you have guests coming over to celebrate with you, or family from out of town, or maybe both. Regardless, if you own a natural gas fireplace and use it as a heating source, it’s guaranteed to help make the days extra cozy, even festive.

Just because you’re going to be busy this season doesn’t mean you should ignore basic safety though! To help you out, here are some good safety tips for your natural gas fireplace during the busy holiday season.

  1. Know Your Clearance Zones

Clearance zones are any area where it’s unsafe to place highly flammable and easily damaged items. Every fireplace, no matter what type it is or what kind you own, has a clearance zone. While most natural gas fireplaces are safe enough to place décor and electronics nearby, regardless you should always avoid placing combustible items such as wood, books, drapes, curtains, newspapers, etc. nearby. Keep all of these away from direct contact of the glass doors and firebox.

  1. Be Aware of Carbon Monoxide

Though safe, natural gas fireplaces can still create potential carbon monoxide poisoning if you’re not careful. The best way to stay safe and prevent such a dangerous situation is to install and keep Canadian-approved carbon monoxide detectors wherever there is fuel-burning equipment. It’s recommended to place these detectors as close as possible to sleeping areas and bedrooms, and to have them installed and tested per manufacturer instructions.

  1. Yearly Check-ups Help

Modern natural gas fireplaces require a lot less maintenance than the wood-burning kind. However, it’s still recommended that you schedule an annual inspection to make sure everything is working as it should. During the inspection you can ask for the safety screen barrier to be double-checked to prevent serious burns from the front glass panel if touched. The best time to get a check-up is both before winter rolls in fully and before you light up the fireplace for the first time of the season.

One task that you must avoid performing before your inspection is to never, ever move the ceramic logs in your natural gas fireplace. Re-positioning the logs can lead to accidentally covering up the vents, which in turn can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. While this seems like a simple DIY task, it’s really not, and you should only ever leave that job to a licensed gas contractor.

  1. Keep It Clean

Again, while natural gas fireplaces don’t require as much cleaning as wood-burning ones, they do still need to be cleaned regardless. The most notable features to clean are the fan and air circulation passages coming to and from your fireplace. Be sure to check on the vents when you can to make sure there are no obstructions or blockages and the vents are working properly. The owner’s manual your fireplace came with will have instructions you can refer to on how to clean the air circulation passages and the fan safely.

  1. Warn Kids About the Dangers

Even the best safety barriers can’t eliminate certain dangers completely from natural gas fireplaces. The glass covering the front of the fireplace can get so hot to the touch that they can burn you. This is why if you have children of your own and/or children visiting your home for the holidays, you need to warn them not to play anywhere near the fireplace if the flame is burning. You may even want to establish a ‘no-no zone’—about one or two feet away from your fireplace—to prevent toddlers and younger children from getting too close.

Happy Holidays! Remember, if you need a licensed contractor to maintain your fireplace, or provide gas fitting services and heating repairs and maintenance, you can always give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

4 Tips Before You Get a Gas Fireplace Installed

If you’re looking to get a natural gas fireplace installed in your Abbotsford home either now or next year, you’re not the only one. Gas fireplaces create ambiance and warmth with a simple button press on the remote control or a flip of the switch. They are both beautiful and convenient to homeowners.

We typically offer gas fitting as opposed to installation for fireplaces, but regardless it matters that you be safe about them because not knowing can result in some big mistakes! Whether you’re looking to buy a new fireplace and have some questions, or you want to know if you should switch to a different resource, here are some tips before you go get a new gas fireplace.

  1. Location

Where do you want to install the fireplace? If you have an existing one, it may be best to look at getting an insert fireplace. These allow you to fit the new fireplace into the existing space. If, however, you want to have a new fireplace built into an exterior wall, only look for linear built-in fireplaces. These ones are best for homes that don’t have an existing fireplace or chimney.

  1. Size

Does your home already have natural gas space heating? If so, your gas fireplace doesn’t need to be a powerful one. A professional can give you some advice on the BTU (British thermal unit) necessary to complement your existing heating system.

You also need to think on something very hard: are you really wanting a fireplace for the heat? Or are you going about it for looks alone? You need to consider whether the appearance of a fireplace matters more to you than heating performance. If you want to go with a fireplace purely for aesthetics, an appropriate choice would include a lower heating capacity. If, however, you want to use your fireplace for heating up your home’s space, a greater heating output is needed.

Once the former decision has been made, measure the space you are planning to fill in. Decide on which physical dimensions are going to be right for the room’s layout and size.

  1. Style

Every homeowner has their own idea of style, and a fireplace is no exception. If your home doesn’t have an existing fireplace to fill, you can choose any corner or wall where you want to have the new gas fireplace installed.

Many styles are available such as rustic, traditional, grand, classical, and modern. However, the style of the fireplace matter because you don’t want it to clash with the rest of your home either. Other choices you will have to consider include colour and trim that best works with the room décor where you want it installed. At the end of the day your goal should be to find a fireplace that consists of the exact combination of performance, energy efficiency, style, and price that best suits your budget and design.

  1. Features

As if there wasn’t enough to consider, here is some more! Each gas fireplace comes with its own special lineup of features. Clear-faced glass panels are still quite popular and can give the appearance of a real wood-burning fire. Ceramic glass is used in the higher-end models (i.e. expensive). This is because ceramic is tougher than tempered glass, it can radiate more heat, and it can withstand higher temperatures.

If you’re looking to heat up the room, how much heat do you want to circulate? Note that a built-in fan or blower, which comes in certain models, can sometimes be noisy. If this doesn’t sound appealing, a ceiling fan can actually work better for heat distribution in your specified room.

There are also a variety of choices on controls. Some of the more high-end fireplaces can be remote controlled on or off, and include their own timer and temperature settings. Others can have an automatic thermostat temperature control to ensure the room will never get too hot. By having such a range of control, you can both moderate your fuel usage and also improve your home’s energy efficiency in the process.

You’re ready to get your new gas fireplace! We are happy to help ensure your new appliance is installed by a licensed contractor. Give our team of professional technicians a call for all of your gas fitting needs. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

5 HVAC Tips for Restaurants Before the Holiday Rush

It’s almost time for the holiday season, meaning restaurants have to go all-in with offering the best food and drinks while keeping their atmosphere pleasant and their establishment clean and safe. With so many customers booking reservations and hosting parties this time of the year, it can be all too easy for you and your staff to forget about your restaurant’s HVAC as you swing into the holiday season.

This article will help you prepare before things get too crazy and hectic.

1: Be Prepared Now, for Later

Get an inspection on your restaurant’s HVAC and refrigeration now as opposed to later. Early detection can prevent the following emergencies from happening at the worst possible time:

  • Sudden breakdown during rush hours
  • Clogged ice machines
  • Power fluctuations
  • Constant restarts and then shutdowns
  • Weak airflow from ventilation
  • Spoiling food and food products

Your technician team will be able to diagnose potential problem areas and then perform maintenance where required.

2: Programmable Thermostats

These are not just for residential use! Most commercial HVAC now comes with built-in programmable thermostats so that restaurants can customize the temperature in different zones. You may want to keep one in the kitchen to keep things cool, while another keeps the customers warm while they’re staying out of the cold outside. When the restaurant is closed for the night, you can ensure the thermostat is programmed to bring the temperature to a proper level—one that won’t compromise your monthly expenses.

3: Don’t Forget the Restroom

Some restaurants forget that the restroom, like the kitchen, needs to be properly ventilated (there’s a reason for the V in HVAC, after all!). Typically ventilation in the restroom tends to run all of the time, so saving energy in that regard matters. Consider the make-up air that flows from outside in, and keep the bathrooms clean to prevent lowering the air quality.

4: If It’s Not Used, Shut it Down

This may not apply to refrigeration, since you need to keep the cool air going to prevent food from spoiling. However, you don’t need HVAC turned on 24/7 because this will prove costly in the long-term. This is especially true if there are heating components in the kitchen being used when they don’t have to be. These will only generate heat that your commercial HVAC will have to neutralize. This is why it’s smarter to have a start-up and shutdown program on your thermostat (or thermostats, if you use more than one) to make sure your most valuable equipment doesn’t work overtime.

You need the money for a lot of things in your restaurant—don’t waste the energy it needs if there’s no one to use it.

5: Don’t Skip the Refrigerator Inspection

We’ve already mentioned that a lack of inspection for HVAC can result in things like food spoilage, but those can also contribute to some very unpleasant consequences of their own. If you have less product to sell, you’re going to see some very unhappy customers and thus a loss of business as a result.

Another reason to not skip a fridge inspection is that you can get service done on worn parts during the inspection. This costs less than it would to repair the part after major damage has been done. Again, sudden breakdowns are not something you want to deal with when you’ve got hungry customers present at the time it happens.

A dirty fridge will work harder to sustain the set temperature as well, which can also add up (especially if there’s more than one dirty fridge!) This is why we always recommend regular cleaning and maintenance long before any holiday rush kicks in. You don’t want to pay extra for such negligence.

Take action now on these HVAC tips! If you need an inspection service for your restaurant, call us now before the holiday rush kicks in. Doing so can prevent fridge breakdowns and other HVAC emergencies at the worst moment from happening. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

3 Major Benefits of Installing a Mini Split System

It’s already nearing winter, meaning it’s that time of year when it’s worth taking a look at your HVAC and plan ahead for the future. You don’t want to spend next summer discovering your air conditioner is a little worse for wear, nor do we want you to get cold feet (literally!) this winter.

Nowadays a lot of air conditioners double as heaters too. It’s always wise to really look at your comfort against the elements, regardless of the season. The next question is, which option for HVAC can offer the best result for a low price? Enter mini splits, which is the main subject of our article today.

What is a Mini Split?

A mini split is a system that uses both air conditioning and heating, as opposed to simply one or the other. Mini splits are also referred to as ductless systems because they don’t require a vent or duct in order to begin functioning once installed.

There are two major components that a mini split consists of. Typically a compressor or a condenser is situated outside the house, while there is an air-handling unit situated indoors. These are linked via a conduit, consisting of suction tubing and refrigerant, a condensate drain, and a power cable. If there is more than one air-handling unit, then each contains its own associated thermostat to help regulate the temperature in each room where the unit is placed.

Mini splits are worth considering installing in your home if you already rely on ductless heating. There are quite a few reasons as to why you should consider installing one.

1: Pricing

The thing about central air conditioning is when you pay for one, you’re not only paying for the main unit—you’re paying for the extra parts that come alongside it as well. This includes the central unit, an extensive duct system, vents, and an outdoor condenser. To install central A/C is also a more expensive endeavour.

In comparison, a mini split only requires an indoor air handler and an exterior condenser in order to work. This cuts down greatly on the cost since you don’t need to pay for so many extras. Installation also cuts down on costs because it doesn’t require extensive duct placement, like you would have to with a central system.

2: Versatility

Mini splits not only offer air conditioning but also heating. Most mini splits are also placed high on a wall, but not all of them need to be. Many homeowners prefer ceiling-mounted units, which is also doable if you’ve got a mini split.

There are also custom features you can use with a mini split that will give you greater control of when and how you want to heat your home. Most systems now come with timers and built-in sleep functions, which you can adjust accordingly. In comparison, traditional heating systems don’t allow customization, which can lead to less efficient use of energy as well as unnecessary costs. Both the ability to place your mini split in areas other than traditional ones and the custom features that come along with it are what make mini splits so versatile and desirable to most homeowners.

3: Energy Efficiency

If you intend to only heat up a specific room or individual rooms as opposed to the entire house, mini splits are an excellent system to do so. You save energy by only heating up the rooms that are used the most daily, as opposed to wasting it in rooms that no one uses. In contrast, a central system sends cold or hot air throughout the entire home, into places where it’s not necessary.

Because mini splits don’t require ducts to disperse heat, they aren’t subject to the same sense of energy loss as ducts are. They also use less electricity than central air systems, meaning they both create less of a negative impact on the environment and on your energy bill. If you’re interested in limiting your energy impact, mini splits represent the best choice for anyone interested in helping the environment.

If the mini split sounds more and more like a system you need for your home, then give our technicians a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Benefits of Natural Gas Furnaces for Homeowners

Everyone should be able to live comfortably in their Abbotsford homes no matter how warm or cold it is outside. However, that doesn’t mean you should throw all of your money away on a furnace that’s costing you more than it’s worth. It also doesn’t mean you should settle on a furnace in your home if it’s not heating as efficiently as it could be.

If you’re considering getting a new installation in the future, or you’re looking at different options for your home, then perhaps this article can help. Here are some major benefits to settle on owning a natural gas furnace for heating as opposed to the other kinds.

1: It’s more cost and energy-efficient

The thing about electric furnaces is, it takes a lot longer for the resistance coils to heat up and then heat an entire room. This is depending on how big the room is plus how old your current furnace is. The older the model, the less efficient it will be.

Natural gas furnaces in comparison heat up a room faster than traditional ones, using less resources and thus saving you money as a result. And, according to FortisBC, compared to other fuel resources natural gas is the least expensive kind, about one third of the cost of electricity in comparison. For homeowners who want to save money on heating in the future, natural gas is the most cost-efficient and the most energy-efficient choice combined.

2: Easy to maintain and fix

A natural gas furnace works well in any home since the ones built nowadays are made to be high-quality heating systems. These furnaces can also work well with hot water heaters, central home heating systems, or anything that requires heat to work.

Compared to electric furnaces, natural gas ones rarely break down. If it’s cold out, you don’t want to wait for repairs to be completed; in the event you need to get an HVAC technician to come in for inspections and repairs, it’s less likely to happen if your furnace uses natural gas.

Another perk is that compared to an electric furnace, the natural gas kind is very easy to maintain yourself including the air filter. Whereas if there is an electrical problem, you’ll need a technician ASAP (we don’t recommend you DIY your electric furnace!).

3: Safer for families

Natural gas is both a healthier and safer heating option for you and your family. Burning natural gas produces a minimal amount of airborne particles, dissolved solids, and sulfur dioxide, all of which can negatively impact your health as well as your pets and loved ones.

Natural gas generates almost no carbon monoxide whatsoever, provided your furnace is well-maintained and properly operating. This reason is what makes this type of furnace so desirable for most homeowners.

4: Cleanliness

Natural gas, unlike propane, is a natural fossil fuel that has less of a harsh environmental impact when used. The heat is produces is greater than the other resources as well. Electricity, in comparison, is usually produced by burning fossil fuels which produces just as much waste as it would to heat via burning fossil fuels directly. If you’re interested in lowering the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases emitted by your household, natural gas is the way to go because it generates less carbon dioxide compared to oil, propane, and electricity.

You can’t go wrong with upgrading to a natural gas furnace if you’re looking for comfort, convenience, and safety. If you would like to replace your old furnace with a new natural gas one, give our professional team a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

How to Prep and Start Up Your Furnace Safely

It’s getting colder and colder outside, so naturally it’s time to switch on your furnace. How long has it been since you last looked at it though? Has it been a while? If so, then before you go near your home’s heating you may want to read this first.

It’s always best to prepare to turn on the heat safely and without concern about making any heating mistakes in the process. So in this article, we’re going to over some safety tips plus how to prepare your home for the colder weather as you turn on the heat and get the most comfort out of your HVAC this season.

Step 1: First and foremost, get an inspection done

An inspection of your furnace will guarantee that if there are any underlying problems, they’ll be detected and identified before you switch it on for the season. Issues that a professional technician can address and fix include poor air quality, burning smells lasting longer than 5 minutes, burner cleaning, and velocity testing to name a few. They can also identify whether the furnace is getting too old for repairs and when a new installation is the best option for your home.

While this step sounds simple enough, it will make a big difference in the long run in terms of energy and cost.

Step 2: Clean it up, inside and out

Even if you cleaned it a while ago, dust and dirt can still collect and gather around the furnace. If it’s especially been a while since you last cleaned the air filter, now is definitely time to do so before you switch that furnace on. Bonus points if you cleaned it before you call an HVAC company for an inspection (it’s one less worry for your technician to do!).

The air filter is not the only feature that could use cleaning also. You need to clear out approximately 2 to 3 feet of space around the exterior of your furnace and the vents. This is to achieve maximum airflow and ensure it will run at peak efficiency. Removing the front panel of the furnace while it’s switched off and using a vacuum cleaner on it can also suck up the dirt and dust that may be costing you money.

Also, check around for mold and rust, both of which can poorly affect your furnace’s pilot light and ventilation. The two particulates can arise during humid months or if your home is subject to condensation problems. Ensuring good air quality will keep you and your family safe and healthy.

Step 3: Set the thermostat up properly

Now that everything has been cleaned, it’s time to address the thermostat. Set it to the recommended temperature of between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius (65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit). Any higher or lower than this temperature will not go well in terms of energy and money spending. What you should feel as a result is immediate heat coming from the vents. A lot of the time, if you smell something burning, it’s usually a little leftover dust that you couldn’t reach while cleaning in the vents. This is normal and it should pass after 5 minutes. If it doesn’t, however, and the burning smell persists, turn the furnace off and call your technician. This is a task only they’ll be able to figure out why something is going wrong.

Step 4: Ignite the furnace

This step applies to gas furnaces, which is one of our specialties. First, you’re going to need the instructions manual for your furnace—the steps should be outlined there. However, if the printing is too small to read or the label is too difficult to locate and read, then that’s a problem. Set this aside but keep it on hand in another part of the room.

Next, find the pilot light and its components. Most gas furnaces usually have a switch at the bottom that will say ‘Pilot’, ‘On’, and ‘Off’. Find this switch and make sure it’s in the ‘Off’ position, or turn it to that. Wait 5 minutes for the gas to dissipate (this will help avoid a potential fire from starting up!). While waiting take note of where the reset button is located, which should be near the dial you just set to ‘Off’.

This next step requires a long lighter (they’re found in most hardware stores if you don’t have one already). Once the gas has completely dissipated, turn the dial to ‘Pilot’, then hold down the Reset button. As you hold down on the Reset button, bring the flame from your long lighter up close to the pilot light opening. This should ignite the furnace’s pilot light. Once you’re sure the pilot light has been switched on, release your pressure on the reset button.

While this step isn’t 100% necessary, it’s a good skill to build up especially if you want to take care of your own heating. Following these steps, as well as your instructions manual if and when need be, can ensure your home will become warm properly.

Step 5: Get cozy and enjoy!

Whether it’s raining or snowing, take comfort in the fact that your home is comfortable now that you’ve gone through these steps safely and according to the regular guidelines. Grab yourself a hot drink and a good book or the remote control for Netflix, and enjoy being cozy and warm while the weather outside is less so.

Get your furnace inspected by professionals if you’re still stuck at step 1, or if the pilot light fails to stay on or it won’t light after releasing the Reset button (that definitely means something’s wrong!). Our team is certified and capable of checking over furnaces, even electrical issues. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Turn on the Heat

Now that it’s autumn, the temperature has dropped enough that some people may find their homes a little too cold for their comfort. If this sounds like you, your first thought may have been to go to your furnace and switch it on, no questions asked.

Don’t touch that thermostat dial just yet though! Especially if it’s been a while since your furnace was turned on. Before you make yourself comfortable this season and then winter, here are five big mistakes you should avoid when it’s time to turn on the heat.

  1. Windows

Your windows are the biggest asset when it comes to storing heat and using it in your home. Closing them only after heat has escaped or leaving the curtains closed on sunny days are no-nos because this will only in turn let your heating out instead of keeping it inside where you want it to stay.

Another big mistake to avoid that involves your windows is failing to check for leaks and drafts. Check around the doors too; some doors have a gap wide enough in the framework that hot air can escape more easily. In either event in which a leak or draft is discovered, you’ll have to caulk and seal those gaps and weaknesses in the framework to prevent that warm air from escaping.

  1. Leaving exhaust fans on all the time

Did you know that leaving this type of fan on all the time can be a drag on your heating? It’s a great resource for removing unpleasant smells and preventing mould and mildew buildup. However, leaving it on all of the time, even when you’re through with using it, can suck up all that needed warm air and send it out of the house. Only leave an exhaust fan on when you really need it, and switch it off when you’re done.

  1. Turning the thermostat way up, or way down

Either extreme direction of up or down for the thermostat is hard on your furnace and yourself. It’s tempting to turn the heat up as soon as you walk into a cold room or down as soon as you go to bed. What this does though is it forces your heating system to work overtime, especially if you turn it down all the way at night.

Something homeowners tend to forget is that a thermostat is not remotely the same thing as a car’s accelerator. Turning up the heat in either extremity is not going to hasten the heating process and warm up your home faster. Either way, you’re looking at a hefty heating bill when the time comes thanks to your insistence to have a hot home 24/7.

  1. Heating an empty house

Another scenario that sounds tempting is to walk into a warm home the minute you get home from a cold, blustery day. Heating an empty home, however, is the most wasteful practice of both heat and your money. That’s why we insist your home’s heating system includes a programmable thermostat. That way, you can adjust the temperature remotely and keep an eye out in case of problems. For more info on thermostats, see our previous blog post on the subject.

  1. Neglecting maintenance and upkeep

It’s a fact that regular maintenance will help your furnace last for a good, long while. That’s why it boggles our minds to see so many people who still don’t take care of their heating systems!

Some serious no-nos when it comes to your heating and its upkeep include the following:

  • Not changing the air filter
  • Switching the furnace on without examining it first
  • Not cleaning the exterior for some time before switching it on
  • Ignoring the state of your home’s insulation until there’s a problem
  • Ignoring its age; furnaces made 10 or even 20 years ago may be showing signs of failure, such as a pilot light that refuses to stay lit

Do you need assistance with your furnace? Have you made any of these mistakes or want to prevent them from happening? Our technicians are ready to help, so give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

What You Need to Know About Your Gas Fireplace

A fireplace in the colder seasons can feel like a good friend: they’re warm and comforting to have around. However, they can also be dangerous if you don’t treat them with respect.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a natural gas fireplace installed in your home, or you simply want to revisit some facts about your existing one, then read on. Here are some things you need to know about your home’s gas fireplace.

Not every fireplace is the same

Overall gas fireplaces are the most clean and energy efficient option when it comes to installing a new one. Carbon monoxide, smoke, and other emissions are produced less than the traditional wood-burning ones.

However, not all gas fireplaces are created equally. Some gas fireplaces are heaters by design, while other are actually classified as purely decorative. The best way to tell the difference is to compare the efficiency ratings.

Bigger does not mean it’s better

A fire in the home when it’s freezing cold out can be a great source of comfort and heat. A huge roaring fire, on the other hand, can actually cause more discomfort than anything else. This is especially true if the fireplace is small while the output is massive.

Much like HVAC, there are many factors that apply to the size of a gas fireplace and how effective it will be in warming you up. There’s your home’s layout, airtightness, other heat sources, and insulation that all need to be considered. When you take these into account, a gas fireplace that’s properly sized and well-located can meet up to half of a home’s heat demand.

More than one vent option is available

In fact, four options are available when it comes to proper ventilation for your gas fireplace:

  1. This is the safest, most versatile, and most energy efficient vent option, as it sends the smoke and pollutants in the air away through the chimney. Homeowners who have new or airtight houses or who want security with their gas fireplace will most definitely benefit from a direct vent.
  2. Natural vent fireplaces take and then release combustible air through a pipe venting system or a brick chimney. While inexpensive to use, it’s less versatile given its issues with air flow in homes.
  3. Vent-free. These hearths are one of the most efficient in terms of energy and heating. You don’t need a chimney with these to keep smoke away, and they can be placed anywhere. However, if you’re looking for quality air as well, the vent-free system comes designed with a sensor that will automatically turn it off if lower oxygen levels in the room are detected.
  4. This is the least common type, coming with a fan-powered accessory to enhance air exchange. Because of this, extensive vent runs are allowed, plus it can be installed in more uncommon areas in homes such as freestanding walls.

Each option will depend on, again, your heating needs as well as your budget. The size of your home, how old it is, and how big it is are all factors to consider also. Consult with a professional before you decide on one vent system (it may not be the best fit for your home or gas fireplace at all).

Year-round care goes a long way…

Even though gas fireplaces don’t get as messy or ash-covered like wood-burning ones, they still need to be kept clean for maximum efficiency. You will have to wipe down the fake logs to remove soot, use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, and clean all the glass parts such as the doors and the flame protector.

Avoid using chemicals to clean at all costs. Instead of that, use a product specifically made for cleaning fireplaces, or use warm soapy water. You can ask your fireplace’s installation expert for recommendations on cleaning and cleaning products. It’s also a good idea to set a reminder on your calendar for complete inspections, once per year.

…So does a tune-up

Overall, a gas fireplace is a safe and energy-efficient means of heating. However, much like any HVAC system, an annual tune-up is required so that it will perform at its best when you need it to. Scheduling an inspection with one of our professionals will help guarantee that your fireplace will be clean, safe, and at peak efficiency. The ceramic logs can be replaced and the fans cleaned for better circulation.

Maintaining gas fireplaces is one of our services, so if that’s what you need, give us a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

Pros and Cons of Installing Central A/C in Homes

Summer may be over now, but it’s technically the low season for maintaining and installing new air conditioners and furnaces regardless. For now, let’s talk about air conditioning.

You may think that central air conditioning in your home may be the best means of cooling it down, so you might ask your technician to get an installation done (see our tips on how to tell the signs that it’s needed very badly). Like everything in life, however, be careful what you wish for or it might come true—including the consequences. To help you determine if it’s the best solution for your home, here is a lowdown on the pros and cons of residential central A/C.

Pro: A Consistent Temperature Year-round

If you live in the southernmost part of BC, or in a part of the Lower Mainland where summer is almost too hot, then central air conditioning is the best way to ensure your home is constantly cool in every room. This is the major benefit of this type of A/C system: the consistent temperature wherever you go, all year round. Hot summers are the reason why homeowners invest in this air conditioning, and in the long run, the choice is worth it.

Con: More Expensive Energy Bills

It’s no joke that the longer you leave air conditioning on, the more it will cost you. There is now new evidence to support that fact as well. According to a recent BC Hydro survey, a whopping 93% of British Columbians are increasing their costs in electricity usage to run their air conditioning by leaving the temperature much lower than the recommended number. It’s also costing $300 to run an A/C system as opposed to $6 for a fan. That’s a lot of money being spent on air conditioning!

Depending on your home’s humidity levels and size, among other factors, you could be looking at even bigger energy bills than you were previously used to before you installed central air conditioning as well. If you can’t budget for central air conditioning, or you keep lowering the temperature below the recommended 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), then central air conditioning is not the best choice for your home.

Pro: Filtered Air

Air is usually circulated through the ductwork in a central A/C system, and it’s usually filtered in the process. That means the air quality of your home will improve and there will be less allergens and potentially harmful gases being distributed to each room. If you live in a humid and warm location, the humidity levels will also improve because of the filters. This ensures your home stays at a comfortable temperature regardless of the humidity levels inside and out.

Con: Mould and Mildew Develop More

Sure, central air conditioning does not require so much maintenance as its counterparts, but gunk and gross particulates can still develop if it’s left alone for too long. The air quality can drop and mould and mildew particles will travel to other rooms in the house while the cool air is being circulated. Both of these things can be harmful to our health if left untouched for too long, and sadly central A/C is more susceptible to development than other air conditioning systems. Unmaintained air conditioning can also render the previous benefit of filtered air useless if you don’t clean and maintain it regularly.

Pro: The Thermostat is Programmable

Every central A/C system on the market now comes with a programmable thermostat, which means it’s a ‘smart’ system. This type of air conditioning comes with its own slew of benefits, which we’ve actually covered in a previous blog post before. The biggest ones that are worth mentioning again is that you can adjust the temperature on a timer rather than having to do it manually. You can also program the thermostat to switch on and off at certain times when no one’s home so that you save on the money used to cool the house down. These and many more features are why central air conditioners are really useful for homes, especially the smart kinds.

Con: Ducts and Installation Can Also be Expensive

When it comes to these types of A/C systems, the ductwork is what can make or break a decision for installation. If your home already has ducts for a furnace, then all that’s needed is to hook up the central air conditioning unit to your home’s duct system. It’s a simple enough task for your HVAC technician.

However, if your home doesn’t have a furnace or the ductwork, you need to consider the cost of installing this aspect as well. Installing ductwork is a huge undertaking and involves renovating your home entirely; floors and walls both need to be opened up. While installing new ducts and a new central A/C unit will certainly increase your home’s long-term value, it’s a major investment that requires expertise, planning, and a massive budget.

Have you looked through the list up to this point and determined central A/C is still the best thing for your home? If so, give our professional team of technicians a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!

3 Tips to Ensure Maximum Ventilation in Your Commercial Kitchen

Proper ventilation for any restaurant business is a crucial part of its design. Finding the right restaurant hood vent, as well as installing a proper kitchen ventilation system, are some of the most complicated parts in designing a good restaurant. After all, the kitchen is the heart of your restaurant business.

Do you need assistance with ensuring your commercial kitchen is properly ventilated? If so, read on! Here are 3 tips to ensure there is maximum ventilation cycling throughout your restaurant’s kitchen.

  1. Necessary Ventilation

In restaurants there are two kinds of ventilation you need to have to guarantee things will stay cool: necessary ventilation and general ventilation. We’ll talk about what exactly necessary ventilation entails first.

An exhaust hood counts as necessary ventilation. This system is what captures and filters all of the heat, fumes, smoke, and other air particulates that are not needed inside the kitchen. The kitchen vent hood is another essential component to your kitchen’s ventilation system. This component is usually attached to the top of your ovens. Wall-mounted hoods are usually a better option as opposed to traditional overhead option for safety reasons.

Another component of necessary ventilation is makeup air. Air is continuously exhausted outside of the restaurant at a 100% rate, so it’s very important to take in an ample amount of air from outside at a rate of 80%. This is makeup air—it compensates for the exhausted air. Without it, it can cause negative effects in the restaurant building such as poor air quality, back-venting of combustible gases, drafty or stuffy areas, and reduced energy efficiency.

Lastly, fire suppression systems must be integrated with exhaust hoods according to your building codes. Fire is the number one cause of destruction in the kitchen, so for everyone’s safety and security this type of system does count as necessary. To ensure no fire starts in the first place, get all of your vents and equipment properly cleaned and maintained by a licensed company.

  1. General Ventilation

General ventilation consists of systems that aren’t as necessary as exhaust hoods, but they can still help if things are still a little too hot to handle. The make-up air will generally come from a wide variety of sources such as a rooftop intake unit or properly screened doors and windows.

General ventilation can be as simple as shutters on kitchen windows that are exposed to full sunlight daily. It can also include opening doors and windows in the cool of the morning or late in the evening. Not only does this count as general ventilation, but also it’s good cooling practice (see our previous blog post for more cooling tips!).

Air that goes out kitchen exhaust vents is replaced with a mix of make-up air from a variety of sources, including the dining room, a rooftop intake unit or open doors or windows that are properly screened to prevent insects and other pests from invading food preparation areas. To reduce heat, shade or shutter kitchen windows that are exposed to full sun. Open in the cool of the morning or later in the evening to let in fresh air.

If the kitchen is still too hot for everyone to handle, fans may be worth considering to add to your restaurant’s general ventilation. You may have to experiment with placement to find that sweet spot for the best circulation. Fans should be aimed away from hot food and prep areas where lighter items could scatter. Auxiliary fans must not interfere with exhaust fans, either. You could consider using a floor fan with another propped on a steady surface above, such as the top of the refrigerator. However or wherever you decide to use fans in your restaurant, make sure their blades and systems are kept clean and maintained as well.

  1. HVAC

One of the best ways to ensure there is proper ventilation being circulated throughout the entire restaurant is to integrate it with an HVAC system. While the kitchen is the heart of the restaurant, the other rooms such as the dining room need to stay cool and consist of good air quality too.

Central air conditioning is going to be the best choice for your restaurant. Why? Because you can’t use portable fans or window air conditioners around a hood vent system. Doing so will force hot, greasy air out from under the hood and dispense to the dining room (not what anyone wants to smell!). There is in fact a 10 foot minimum to hood rule for air diffusers placed near a hood. This is why it’s best for any cooling system in a kitchen to be handled by a professional technician.

Remember, the HVAC part of your commercial kitchen only works so as long it’s properly cleaned and maintained, as well as working in sync with the rest of the ventilation. If you still find it difficult to keep the temperature down, or you’ve found a problem that requires an HVAC technician, give our team a call. At Rep-Air Heating And Cooling we provide our customers with many options that will best suit your needs from heating and cooling to refrigeration. Contact us today for your complimentary quote: 1-778-728-1476 or and don’t forget to take a look at our website: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for free giveaways!